No posts about VS Code for so long time? This should be fixed.
Today i’ll do a little note regarding visual looks of the editor. Honestly, I already have my personalized theme.
But after seeing [Retrowave84’s skin]
, I was so impressed with the overall aesthetics
and correctly set glow and shadow effects, that I decided to stack it on my own theme, to get the best things from both of them.
Here is my custom theme

Here it is merged with Retrowave84

Enlarged screen to show glow

- Gutter background [side panel with line numbers] color can’t be changed
by means of generic settings.json when using Retrowave84 theme.
You have to correct line number 98 of neondreams.js file.
This code paint gutter region in black color:
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, black 75%, #34294f);
- To make text green in plain text files add following to settings.json:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editor.foreground": "#00ff3c"
My final configuration tested in Codium v1.92 can be downloaded [here] .
Here is the [Github page] of Retrowave84 theme.
Oh, three monitors providing 4920 pixel width is very noice [to say the least].
I feel soooo luxurious! [See my workbench] .
Warning! Whopping 1,241,088 bytes will be downloaded.