Surfing through meaningless tier lists on YT dedicated to various Unix graphical user interfaces by home-made experts without even showing them in a proper way and doin’ subjective ratings, i’ve stumbled upon on “obsolete” [CDE]
environment and was interested in it’s 90’ish looks, despite the fact that “expert” narrated that it is in a “yuck” category and not worth even touching.
After jogging through comments i’ve noticed that some wise man mentioned about modern reincarnation of CDE project named [nsCDE]
Recently i had [some frustrations]
with Manjaro Linux. Most notable for me were:
not so good compatibility with Windows 7 [dual booting is working, but after Manjaro updated, Windows 7 stopped working for some reason]. some problems with Nvidia drivers strange power management system not properly working keyboard backlit on Dell laptop So, i went to [DistroWatch]
and instantly noticed [EndeavourOS]
, which was already among popular distributions and rapidly climbing to the top.
Right after installing [Manjaro Linux]
i run into weird issue. Most of needed applications like Firefox and Thunderbird take around 10 seconds or so just to startup.
Such behavior on NVME drive is unacceptable at all. Problem was in a serious [bug in gnome desktop]
, despite the fact that i’m running XFCE desk.
Workaround for GTK-based desktops is to run following commmands in terminal:
sudo pacman -Rdd xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
sudo pacman -S xdg-desktop-portal-gtk Imagery by spacedrone808 @Adobe Imagery by spacedrone808 @Freepik
And will not sing praises on how cool Linux is. Because I know that it has its own quirks and inconveniences. For testing I almost randomly choose [Manjaro Linux]
with lightweight [XFCE desktop]
. Manjaro is based upon [Arch distribution]
.Yeah, ubuntu is too much pop for me. Key benefits of Manjaro are quite transparent: modern & stable environment and pretty vibrant community. I understand that Linux don’t have all software, which I need and try to find software replacement in a while.