UPDATED ON: 2024-12-17
I think the OpenAI company has been doing some controversial things lately.
On the one hand, they are certainly bringing us closer to the time when most of the population will be unoccupied, afraid of potentially possible SkyNET.
On the other hand, they are a good thing for those people who don’t have many acquaintances or friends to talk to, or for those people who want to talk about any subject without restrictions and limitations.
First things first, here is a list of important applications that can help you neutralize unwanted traces of external storage.
► Manually remove traces from USB sticks and other external devices [USBOblivion]
► Automatic cleaner that removes every possible trace of inserted external storage [Shellbag Analyzer]
► Remove shellbag keys that contain information about your personal activities like: folder names, paths to folders [including deleted ones]. It is also a good idea to look in the registry to make sure that all traces have been completely removed.
UPDATED ON: 2024-11-14
I just realized that there is no security tests in browser area, only performance related benchmarks. Today we shall fix that small gap with the help of [BrowserAudit]
BROWSER OK+ WARN! CRIT! SKIP- R3dFox 132 286 145 0 0 Firefox ESR 115.17 289 142 0 0 Supermium 124* 289 142 0 0 Palemon 33.4 302 129 0 0 Seamonkey 2.53.19 295 136 0 0 Mull 132** 359 32 0 40 IceRaven 132** 363 28 0 40 *Supermium v126 is not tested due its instability and slow GUI interactions **Android-based browsers
As a long-term user of Android OS i stacked up the most irksome peculiarities. They have been with us for ages, since version 1.0 to be exact.
messed up separation between internal and external storage, which is not clear to a generic windows user, files are hard to find, applications save data randomly either on internal or external storage, logic pattern is definitely broken here incoherent and unclear notification system, with poor organization of priorities absence of transparent file handling, i am talking about file extension-application matching, there is no convenient tools to manage this task And it looks like google will never fix above mentioned facts.
No illusions here, because it is a pretty transparent question and you don’t have to be an overwhelmingly smart person to understand it. Here is a handy list of straight facts about why Linux will always be your secondary operating system and not your primary one:
as of 2024 we have over 600 [!!!] distributions of Linux, just look at [distrowatch]
Why do we need them all? plethora of desktop environments > 50 [if we count only major ones it will be close to 20] As if three variations were not enough?
UPDATED ON: 2024-10-16
If someone doesn’t like this kind of information, I will remove it immediately on first request without any questions. Since we have crossed the EOL line of Windows 7 POS support, I think no one will mind if I post the list of current activators for the Windows 7 operating system.
As far as I know, we have four options to choose from:
[DAZ loader]
► 108% working solution to activate distributions based upon classic MBR partition [KMS by Ratiborus]
► rearming software, which can activate GPT-based Pro and Enterprise editions [KMS rearm script]
► rearming scipt, which can activate GPT-based Pro and Enterprise editions [RemoveWAT]
► legacy GPT compatible activator [not maintained anymore] Also list of activators can be found on [this page]
is quite overrated. Most of the episodes are true beauties in terms of drawing quality, but the plot leaves much to be desired in most cases.
Here is a list of the most cool episodes by my standards. So you don’t have to waste your valuable time on obvious junk.
► Season 1
[Three Robots]
► Season 2
[Pop Squad]
[Snow In The Desert]
[All Through the House]
[Life Hutch]
► Season 3
iPhone was always highly overrated and overpriced piece of hardware.
I remember ramblings from 2013 times when sellout sites like dpreview stated that iPhone was the best camera-phone ever.
Of course it was a complete lie right until iPhone 15, with it’s decent camera quality, but not in all scenarios of course.
In this note, I will describe all the settings you need to tweak to get a 100% flicker-free, eye-friendly result on your smartphone. However, some settings are quite extreme and you don’t need to apply all of them, such as the monochrome filter or setting extremely high warm values on the color temperature slider.
PWM flickering is a “feature” of most digital displays at relatively low brightness levels that can cause eye strain and headaches.
As you may already know i like:
[Black humour]
[Zombie comedy slashers]
[Beavis & Butt-head ]
cartoon Finnish movies [about plain people]
Quite strange concoction? But who really cares? Here is a list of more random films, which are worth to watch. From my point of view of course.
[Home Alone 1]
/ [Home Alone 2: Lost In New York]
[Terminator 1]
/ [Terminator 2]
[Evil Dead 1]
/ [Evil Dead 2]
/ [Evil Dead 3: Army Of Darkness]
[Tucker & Dale vs Evil]
/ [Wild Tales]
/ [Baraka]
/ [Samsara]
[Office Space]
/ [Human Traffic]
/ [It Crowd]
/ [Idiocracy]
[Johnny Mnemonic]
/ [Nirvana]
/ [Hackers]
/ [Speed]
[Falling Down]
/ [Taxi Blues]
/ [Taxi Driver]
[The Shawshank Redemption]
Films that i like to watch in not so distant future:
Despite the widespread opinion regarding [Seagal’s]
sanity and his tendency to star in a very low budget trash movies i like couple of his flicks.
[Hard To Kill]
► one of his fist appearances on the screen, a little bit excessively touching, but pretty neat [Under Siege 1]
► simply the best movie to date [Under Siege 2: Dark Territory]
► not so good as first part, but definitely worth to watch HARD TO KILL UNDER SIEGE 1 UNDER SIEGE 2: DARK TERRITORY SPECIAL CATEGORY:
UPDATED ON: 2024-04-03 Page will be updated in the future, so check back later on
Here are some handy online tools and various mandatory links for front end developer. This is a fine selection from me, which i accumulated during last month of web investigations. Hope that you will find in this list what you are looking for. If you have suggestions or any commentaries to following breakdown, [drop me a line]
UPDATED ON: 2023-09-20 Version: 0.5
Considered Renoise version is 3.4.x.
Just a small collection of important things to remember. Will be nice if stash come in handy to someone.
▒ GENERAL SETTINGS [-] GUI effects and animation [+] More compatible GFX updates [48] Limit frame rate [-] View multiple patterns continuously [+] Single click to create new points [hold Shift to select] [-8dB] Track headroom
UPDATED ON: 2024-11-28
Fastest Windows 7 laptops are still on the edge. Dell & Lenovo have made some enhancements to address recent security vulnerabilities.
[Dell Precision 7520]
► Firmware version 1.38 [November 2024] [direct link] [Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen5]
► Firmware version 1.63 [September 2024] [direct link] Nice to see that such older platforms are still maintained.
Imagery by spacedrone808 @Adobe Imagery by spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-09-20
List of shortcuts, which i frequently use in my work-flow. Text version for offline surfing can be grabbed [here]
. Official list of shortcuts can be found [on Renoise site]
▒ MODIFICATORS [SHIFT] ► track [ALT] ► block [selection] [CTRL]+[SHIFT] ► column [ALT]+[SHIFT] ► group [CTRL] ► pattern
▒ GENERAL [ALT]+[ENTER] ► toggle real fullscreen [CTRL]+[N] ► new song [CTRL]+[S] ► save song [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[S] ► save track as [CTRL]+[O] ► open song [CTRL]+[,] ► open preferences
UPDATED ON: 2023-09-06 Some new parameters were added.
Note that by default all [Nightly versions]
of Firefox are sending back telemetry to third-parties in extensive manner. So, to disable such malicious actions besides turning off telemetry settings via standard GUI options:
about:preferences#privacy You’ll need to use good old:
about:config To change to:
FALSE …or create following parameters in software registry:
toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun toolkit.
Say you need to run on a laptop battery vintage or simply non-demanding applications for an extremely long time. Here is a little breakdown of mandatory things to do:
turn off in BIOS unneeded devices like camera, sd-card reader, fingerprint scanner, gsm-modem, wifi, bt or whatever you are not using turn on power saving features like various C-power states turn off hyper-threading and hi-core count [if you have such ability] lower screen brightness to acceptable level check my [quick]
and [comprehensive]
optimization FAQs get rid of [unneeded services and bloat applications]
Also you can use core parking utility [Park Control]
, but in this mini-guide i’ll show you how to set power related things up via internal Windows 7 tools.
So you want to do a deep dive into the best RPG game of all time and don’t know how do it in a right way in 2023? You’ve come to the right place, coz unlisted slacker knows precisely what you need to do in the first place.
Here is a breakdown list of what you need to do to run Fallout 2 buttery smooth:
grab original [Fallout 2]
distribution from GOG [latest version 2.
Despite the fact that current Firefox market share of Windows 7 users is around 13% Mozilla confirms to [drop Windows 7 support in 2024]
. Actually i don’t really understand their bold move and why they are dropping Windows 7 and keeping support for example for Android 7.1 which stopped receiving updates more than five years ago. As you may know i’m using Android 8.0 on my websurfer phone and yeah, it is running latest Firefox forks easily.
One more S.T.A.L.K.E.R. posting if you don’t mind.
Mods and [modern versions]
are nice, but classic [Stalker series]
shouldn’t be forgotten too. Here is a list of classic games.
[Shadow of Chernobyl]
► original first version of Stalker game series [the most atmospheric & my favorite one] [Clear Sky]
► prequel to Shadow of Chernobyl [Call of Pripyat]
► sequel to Shadow of Chernobyl Vivid table, which conveniently represents games from the most buggy to the less buggy.
UPDATED ON: 2024-11-12 Section is in constant under construction, so check back in a while for new goodies
Here i’ll accumulate list of modern applications, which were forced to work in Windows 7 environment.
► [v132] ► hacked version [TOR BROWSER]
► [v14] ► hacked version of Tor browser [SUPERMIUM]
► [v127] ► degoogled version of chrome browser [CATSXP]
► [v130] ► chinese modern version of chrome browser [may contain telemetry] [MS OFFICE]
► [v2019] ► doable with some trickery [QBITTORRENT]
► [v5.
I’ll keep post updated if any changes happen.
Recently last officially supported version was [27.4.2]
. But from now on we can use actual version of software.
Here is small instruction list on how to make things rollin’ under mighty Windows 7:
Obtain hacked [QT 6.3.1 DLLs for Windows 7]
||| [Mirror]
[QT6 is not officially supported] Download [CFF Explorer]
[direct link] for basic resource hackery Obviously grab latest zipped archive [OBS Studio 29.
Without further ado, straight to the facts:
last version with sane amount of system services, which can’t be turned off absence of [neural networks API]
, which is used for telemetry, collection/profiling user data with subsequent uploading collected information to third-parties [for the first time technology was introduced in Android 8.1] full support of any modern browser [even Android 6.0 can handle this] ability to load legacy Android 2.x applications without any issues [Android 14 is already blocking such apps] I care about older stuff simply because of code quality.
UPDATED ON: 2023-04-07 No chitter here, just plain breakdown of the most important stuff.
[Outpost Firewall Pro]
◄ very advanced and lightweight firewall with host-based intrusion-prevention and anti-leak systems. Review is [here]
◄ my personal choice to surf web [mozilla crap ripped off] [LibreWolf]
◄ debloated in terms of privacy Firefox with pre-installed uBlock Origin [PaleMoon]
◄ the most mozilla-independent fork of Firefox [but slowly degrading] [Tor Browser]
◄ handy to overcome geo restrictions and other artificial limitations of obsolescent governments Warning: some telemetry is present!
UPDATED ON: 2025-01-20 Section is constantly updated! For vintage web surfers most important things are here: plain txt file [may be a bit out of date]
Power of vintage 2009 operating system by microsoft can’t be underestimated. [Windows 7 x64]
supports up to 256 threads and up to 192Gb of RAM. How cool is that, huh?
256 thread CPU appeared only a [short time ago]
TECHNOLOGIES HARDWARE MAX CPU SOCKETS 2 MAX CPU CORES 128 MAX CPU THREADS 256 MAX MOBO RAM 192Gb [or even bigger]1 MODERN CPUs Ryzen 7xxx/9xxx/10xxx Threadripper 5xxx/7xxx 2 MODERN GPUs Geforce 3090 Ti Radeon 6950XT 3 NVME SUPPORT YUP [+] 4 USB3 SUPPORT AHA [+] 5 ░ SOFTW@RE
TECHNOLOGIES SOFTWARE SECURITY PATCHES October 8, 2024 [POS updates] / Jan 13, 2026 [2008R2 updates] 6 / 7 KERNEL EXTENSIONS VxKex / NT61 / Win 10/11 API libs 8 UEFI SUPPORT EXTERNAL [+] 9 DIRECT X 11.
AIO Repack of latest [Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes]
by well-known [abbodi1406]
. High quality package without original payload bloat.
2005: 8.0.50727.6229 2008: 9.0.30729.7523 2010: 10.0.40219.473 2012: 11.0.61135.400 2013: 12.0.40664.0 2022: Latest Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime [x86/x64]
10.0.60833.0 Legacy Runtimes [x86]
Visual C++ 2002: 7.0.9975.0 Visual C++ 2003: 7.10.6119.0 Visual Basic Runtimes Universal CRT
a complementary part of VC++ 2022 redist delivered as an update for Windows Vista/7/8/8.
UPDATED ON: 2023-06-29
There are three main configuration files, which are controlling Fallout engine.
ddraw.ini ◄ main configuration file f2_res.ini ◄ settings for high resolution patch fallout2.cfg ◄ classic settings file from 90s [preserved for compatibility almost depricated for now] Here i’ll mention the most important setttings, which can come in handy for almost every Fallout player out there. Provided tweaks will be useful not only for essential [Fallout 2 Restoration Project]
, but for other Fallout like games like [Nevada]
, [Sonora]
and [Olympus 2207]