First things first, here is a list of important applications that can help you neutralize unwanted traces of external storage.
► Manually remove traces from USB sticks and other external devices [USBOblivion]
► Automatic cleaner that removes every possible trace of inserted external storage [Shellbag Analyzer]
► Remove shellbag keys that contain information about your personal activities like: folder names, paths to folders [including deleted ones]. It is also a good idea to look in the registry to make sure that all traces have been completely removed.
Today we are going to make a deep dive into advanced file management and automation. There are several scenarios for copying files from external storage that are described here.
► COPY SPECIFIC FILE TYPES FROM MULTIPLE FOLDERS ON ANY EXTERNAL DRIVE TO THE LOCAL HARD DRIVE This script will copy ALL JPG FILES from folders TEST1 and TEST2, which are located on any flash-drive to folder 1234 located on local drive C.
Most of you have favorite PC audio player of their own, in my case it is [Foobar2000]
. In Android 6 times there was a wonderful software called [Foobar 2000 Controller]
. It was made to control audio player remotely from your smartphone in a convenient way. For some reason i recall it today and decided to record installing process for future use.
Guys from [Hydrogen Audio]
forum helped me out in some questions and pointed me to the right direction.
UPDATED ON: 2024-10-16
If someone doesn’t like this kind of information, I will remove it immediately on first request without any questions. Since we have crossed the EOL line of Windows 7 POS support, I think no one will mind if I post the list of current activators for the Windows 7 operating system.
As far as I know, we have four options to choose from:
[DAZ loader]
► 108% working solution to activate distributions based upon classic MBR partition [KMS by Ratiborus]
► rearming software, which can activate GPT-based Pro and Enterprise editions [KMS rearm script]
► rearming scipt, which can activate GPT-based Pro and Enterprise editions [RemoveWAT]
► legacy GPT compatible activator [not maintained anymore] Also list of activators can be found on [this page]
So you want to do something evil or make a present for the April’s Fool Day to your surrounding. Today we’re going to use the professional keyboard application [FilterKeys Setter]
in its meanest form, will set keyboard filters to skip keystrokes, but only if the person starts typing at a faster rate.
I find out that the easiest way is to set Ignore Under parameter somewhere around 60ms, so it will be not so obvious in the beginning for the end user, that key strokes are skipping.
Color profiling in Linux is a rather obscure and unpopular topic, so I decided to cover it on the pages of this website. KDE and other modern heavy desktop environments are often have preinstalled tools to work with color profiles, but in this note we’ll talk about importing of color profiles in my favorite lightweight environment called XFCE. In some Arch-based distributions like Manjaro everything works out-of-the-box, but that is not the case when it comes to EndeavourOS, which I am currently studying to migrate from Windows 7 in upcoming future.
UPDATED ON: 2024-11-12
Due to the fact that I was forced to use windows 10 at my primary work, I have to accumulate all these software to prevent myself from daily vomiting provoked by original windows 10 diarrhea.
Ok, kids, you don’t like the native looks of Windows 10? So am i! That is why today we transform atrocious Windows 10 interface into clean looking heaven of classic Windows 7.
Messing around with the recently purchased Ryzen 7700 i ran into some rather annoying power related problems. The computer and monitor would go into sleep mode after about 5 minutes, despite the appropriate power settings in the Control Panel and third party software such as Process Lasso and Park Control being residential in memory.
I had to break my head to get out of this situation and traditionally i am sharing with you the solution I found.
In this note, I will describe all the settings you need to tweak to get a 100% flicker-free, eye-friendly result on your smartphone. However, some settings are quite extreme and you don’t need to apply all of them, such as the monochrome filter or setting extremely high warm values on the color temperature slider.
PWM flickering is a “feature” of most digital displays at relatively low brightness levels that can cause eye strain and headaches.
UPDATED ON: 2024-09-07
Internet is swarming with instructions on how to do this in a proper way, but all of them are incomplete and it looks like the authors don’t care much and don’t put enough effort into making them really shine, so i decided to fix that confusion and write my own, uber one.
Computer user ergonomics is a really complex thing, so I split the FAQ into several sections for better readability and understanding.
Firsts things first, for better file handling install [Midnight Commander]
sudo apt-get install mc Download fresh version of webserver software:
sudo apt-get install apache2 Locate and edit configuration file:
/etc/apache2/apache2.conf Note that in some distributions it can named as httpd.conf.
No file at all? You can create it by:
touch apache2.conf For relatively easy editing i recommend Nano editor.
sudo apt-get install nano CTRL+O ► to save file CTRL+X ► exit file Here is an example for locally placed development webserver, containing two sub-domains.
Although I have been using Linux more and more in recent work, Windows 7 remains my main production operating system. And here is an excellent finding for Windows 7 crony named [Capster]
. Its main functionality is to launch the specified executable at startup time when the [CAPS LOCK] key is set to ON or OFF. I use Capser to run backup script, that backs up previously selected folders [if i want to].
Say you are trying to install software and receive message from the operating system about untrusted certificate in certificate chain. In such case you need to import certificate of the middle-man organization into the Linux certificate storage to make things happen.
If for some reason your third-party certificate comes in DER binary format, you should convert it to CRT format:
openssl x509 -inform DER -in certificate.der -out certificate.crt Copy to storage:
░ PREFACE WORDS In this post I would like to share some Unix experience I have gained while deploying a website under certain conditions. The testbed environment was created using VirtualBox 7 on a Windows 7 operating system. I chose [OpenBSD]
because of it’s unparalleled focus on security and privacy features. It is also unusual and very unpopular. And of course because of [OpenBSD slogan]
: Only two remote holes in the default install, in a heck of a long time!
You might think that it is kinda ridiculous title, but read on to find out.
First of all you have to understand that i’m not going to share my personal bookmarks with some ugly copro that cloaks itself under the umbrella of free software ideas and use their lame anti-private sync. And i’m certainly not going to use any web service provided by these companies in any case.
Of course we won’t skip that generic rant part about how dumb project managers are for not implementing essential features like bookmark export or the ability to open local HTML files in 2024.
First things first. I often need to copy substantial amount of photos from my phone. It can’t be done via Windows GUI without millions of mouse clicks or keystrokes. Here you will find a solution on how to do this in a proper way. The key tool for this will be [ADB]
, developer tools for Android.
Wishes: command line, batch, no file explorer, no mouse, no clickety-clack.
Sicking tired of all of these not-so-precise-instructions i’ve decided to make my own.
Despite the official claims of Oracle that [VirtualBox 6.1.50]
will be the last one to support Windows 7 cronnie, it suddenly turned out that operating system is capable of running new revamped version.
Here are some screenshots to prove working condition of VirtualBox 7.0 under Windows 7 wing
VirtualBox v7.0 about screen
Believe it or not, i even managed to run mighty Windows XP x64 edition with 22 thread CPU.
UPDATED ON: 2024-12-28 !!!!Post will be updated in the future, so be on the edge!!!! Here is a comprehensive list of the most trusted ban-overriding solutions to date to circumvent network censorship. For those of you who are suffering from obsolete freedom violators. All mentioned software are compatible with Windows 7 and Android 8. Linux users will surely find what they are looking for without my help.
Take a note that there are a zillion network configurations out there, so just because something works for me doesn’t mean it will work for everyone else.
As a hardcore user of [dual-panel orthodox file manager]
i always suffered because of sucky look of default console fonts. Native preloaded font list has quite scarce selection, if you ask me. To fix such disappointment you’ll need:
install desired fonts by means of windows control panel copy EXACT FONT NAME fonts section in control panel paste it into registry key into following branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont note that every new subsequent font should be added by a key with added one zero to registry key name reboot computer to apply & enjoy!
So you have tweaked every possible thing and want to squeeze more performance from your workstation?
I’ll tell you how to do this if you have plenty of spare RAM and don’t know what to do with all those memory chips. Placing swap file and temporary folder into RAM is a quite good decision after all. Ram disk is already old idea to improve speed of disk input/output operations. Some time ago even [GPURamDrive]
was introduced to masses, although it doesn’t receive popularity because of slow speed in comparison to generic DDR3/4 memory.
Vegas video montage software is widely known as pretty glitchy application especially if we are speaking about latest versions. Newest Vegas 21 Pro is no exception. I run into problems almost instantly. Right after i’ve decided to render video clip. Upon export attempt application showed me error:
0x80131501 How typical! To fix things up i just took DLL library [RenderAsDialog.dll, which is responsible for export dialog] from previous Vegas Pro 18 [sub-version 284 to be precise] and substituted original file with above mentioned.
Recently i was asked for a simple & free way of transcribing audio speech into plain text. Problem was solved via Python library called [Vosk]
. It is a speech recognition toolkit working in offline environment.
To make things happen do the following:
[Install vosk]
pip install vosk [Download speech model]
of required language, larger libraries bring just marginal improvement over the smaller ones despite the fact that they are over 40 times bigger in a size.
Aside from [Github certificate issue]
, Python also showed me some teeth regarding certificate stuff. How quaint! I think that such things comes from the fact that i’m using “obsolete” Windows 7. But we don’t choose the easy way out, don’t we? I’m using [hacked Python 3.11.1]
After trying to install Python external module:
pip install vosk system showed me this:
WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLCertVerificationErro
r(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self signed certificate in certificate chain (_ssl.
Following instructions successfully tested with [Geforce RTX 3090Ti]
on recent [474.66 driver]
[October 2023]. In newer operating systems things could be entirely different.
It’s been a fair amount of time since I’ve written about privacy related stuff. In early days ~2017 nvidia was not so obsessed with telemetry. Everything you should do to block their efforts is to run [Disable Nvidia Telemetry]
As time goes on things changed dramatically.
Surfing web regarding Windows 7 news i’ve stumbled upon [MDGX]
site. This chaotic gold mine of various knowledge, especially regarding vintage operating systems! Immediately bookmarked it and will surely study in a closer inspection later on. Huge section [dedicated to Windows 7 tweaks]
and [plain text file]
is also available. Hope that you’ll find something previously unknown.
Imagery by spacedrone808 @Adobe Imagery by spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-11-04
Nothing complex here, at least at this time. Here i’ll accumulate performance related information.
░▒▓ LAZY LOADING OF IMAGES ▓▒░ Just implemented lazy loading at my main index page. Concept is pretty simple you are loading images only when they appearing in the viewport of the browser. All you need to do is just to apply loading=“lazy” to the classes of loaded images.
<img loading="lazy" src="/img/demo./png" alt="Picture"> In my case it was like this:
So, you want to be a hip and would like to have the feature of SVG preview in file explorer like in fancy windows 11 of friend of yours? It is surely possible, even on such old crone like Windows 7!
[SVG See]
is an excellent application, which bring such functionality to our crony operating system.
If you are for some reason don’t observe SVG previews in explorer there are a couple of things that you could try to fix things up:
For me things never work as they should. Github is not an exception. After my first try to submit things to repo i run into:
... Author identity unknown. *** Please tell me who you are. PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED BY THESE COMMANDS:
git config --global "YOUR_EMAIL" git config --global "YOUR_LOGIN" After that certificate issue occurred:
... self-signed certificate in certificate chain and another error right after the previous one: