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UPDATED ON: 2024-04-03
Page will be updated in the future, so check back later on
Here are some handy online tools and various mandatory links for front end developer.
This is a fine selection from me, which i accumulated during last month of web investigations.
Hope that you will find in this list what you are looking for.
If you have suggestions or any commentaries to following breakdown, [drop me a line]
- [LITE ROADMAP] ► LIte version for beginners
- [FULL ROADMAP] ► Complete roadmap for serious fontend developer
- [MOZILLA WEBDEV DOX] ► Mozilla docs for web developer
- [MOZILLA HTML REF] ► Mozilla HTML reference
- [MOZILLA CSS REF] ► Mozilla CSS reference
- [HTML REF] ► HTML reference
- [CSS REF] ► CSS reference
- [JS REF] ► JS reference
- [CANIUSE] ► Provides up-to-date browser compatibility of front-end web technologies on various browsers
░▒▓ GUIDES & HOWTOs ▓▒░
- [INTERNETISHARD] ► Excelllent HTML/CSS guide
- [W3SCHOOL HOWTOs] ► Various code snippets for daily use
░▒▓ HTML ▓▒░
- [HTML2PUG] ► HTML to PUG converter
- [PUG2HTML] ► PUG to HTML converter
░▒▓ CSS ▓▒░
- [STYLELINT] ► Checker of CSS rules
- [GRID GENERATOR #1] ► Very neat CSS grid automatic constructor
- [GRID GENERATOR #2] ► Another grid generator
- [TOOLTIP GENERATOR] ► Tooltip generator
- [SHADOW GENERATOR] ► Make your CSS shadow fast!
- [GRADIENTS] ► CSS gradient tool
- [CSS BEAUTIFIER] ► Format your CSS code, make it minified or more readable
- [AUTOPREFIXER] ► add -moz -webkit and -o prefixes in automatic way
- [STYLE NORMALIZER] ► Normalize browser default style
- [SCSS2CSS] ► SCSS to CSS converter
- [CSS TRICKS] ► excellent resource with loads of CSS tips and tricks
░▒▓ CODE ▓▒░
- [HTML VALIDATOR] ► Validate HTML code
- [JS VALIDATOR] ► Validate JS code
- [CODEPEN] ► Code online combining HTML, CSS, JS on one page
- [JSON PLACEHOLDER] ► Free fake and reliable API for testing and prototyping
░▒▓ COLOR ▓▒░
- [HTML COLOR CODES] ► Color codes for HEX/RGB/HSL spaces
- [COLOR HEX] ► Another place for getting color HEX codes
- [COLOR WHEEL] ► Color wheel palette
- [COLOR CONVERTER] ► convenient color converter
- [COLORA] ► Excellent offline color picker for desktop computer
░▒▓ FONTS ▓▒░
- [FONT SHARE] ► 100% free fonts for personal and commercial use
- [FONTS CONVERTER #1] ► Generate web compatible font packs WOFF2/WOFF/EOT/SVG
- [FONTS CONVERTER #2] ► Excellent alternative to Fontsquirrel
- [EM2PX] ► EM to PX converter
- [UNICODE CHART] ► Comprehensive list of unicodes for various symbols
- [SAFE FONTS] ► Safe web fonts list for various platforms
- [GLYPHTER] ► Create custom fonts from SVG files
- [COPYPASTE] ► Codes of hidden graphical symbols
- [COOL TEXT GEN] ► Decorate your text with fancy graphics
░▒▓ SVG ▓▒░
- [SVG URL ENCODER] ► URL-encoder for SVG
- [SVGOMG] ► SVG optimizer
- [SVG COLOR] ► Change SVG color using CSS filter
- [SVG CLEANER] ► nice GUI-based SVG compressor
- [SVGO] ► a bit more modern & efficient command line-based SVG compressor
░▒▓ GRAPHICS ▓▒░
- [HERO ICONS] ► Change SVG color using CSS filter
- [DIAGRAMS] ► Draw diagrams in online tool
- [PINGA] ► Excellent PNG/JPG compressor
- [GIFOPTIM] ► solid GIF optimizer, animated GIF are supported also
- [SQUOOSH] ► online image optimizer with great functionality
- [GIF OPTIMIZER] ► online animated GIF optimizer
- [BETTER PLACEHOLDER] ► Generate custom placeholder images for your mockup webpages
- [DUMMY IMAGE] ► Another placeholder alternative
- [FAVICON GENE #1 ] ► Advance ico generator & bundler
- [FAVICON GEN #2] ► Generate your icon from text input
- [COLOR EYEDROPPER] ► excellent color picker for Firefox
- [PIXEL PERFECT] ► tool to make pixel-perfect websites
- [PAGESPEED] ► Measure your site for standard matching and other problems
- [VERCEL] ► cloud platform, which is specializing in deployment of static sites and other server functions
- [NETLIFY] ► another modern development platform, where you can host your web projects
- [CODEBERG] ► host static web sites like a PRO
- [NEOCITIES] ► another nice place to store static pages
- [GITHUB] ► host your webapps & websites
- [SLAYING THE DRAGON] ► excellent Canadian Web Developer
- [GEEKPROBIN] ► coding frontend meditation
Also make sure to check the [list of selected software] . Especially GRAPHICS section.