UPDATED ON: 2021-12-11
microsoft vomit forced Zeffy to [remove Wufuc patch] which disabled artificial restriction to work with modern CPUs under Windows 7 from github
Look for patch [here] .
Not long ago i’ve discovered that one of my favorite tech forum is forced to stop providing services, by atrocious coalition of putrid companies like microsoft and intel. It looks like the first one is angry that people continue to use “obsolete” Windows 7. Moreover some of the most impudent ones are using it on modern systems .
I suspect that official [statcounter market share of Windows 7] is intentionally lowered. I’d say that the real rate of Windows 7 is not 13%, but somewhere around 25% or something. Almost half of Russia, India, Africa, Brasil, Mexica are using Windows 7. So microsoft is trying to push Windows 10/11 to people’s puters by all available means.
As for degrading intel: they simply don’t like the fact that intel management engine is tweaked by custom patches and workarounds. On the top of that all their security holes are discussed in the open conversation by expert people, which are pointing to different expoits and how to use them for your own good.
For me Win-Raid forum was an excellent source of techincal knowledge. Various BIOS modifications, tweaked drivers, custom patches, valuable advices and tricks and so on and so on. I can go on forever.With the help of CanonKong and Infuscomus members i was able to [install Windows 7 on modern Ryzen system] .
[Win-Raid forum closure] is a big loss for all tech enthusiasts.
In our days it is restricted to be more than avarage guy, because it is easier for SYSTEM to manipulate people if they are not so bright. You know what i’m saying about. microsoft is already in the bottom of my rating. Today i’m adding to the list the blue belch vomit - intel.