Somewhere in the previous posts i have already done [small rant]
regarding the desired specification of modern smartphone. After fiddling around with the latest [Oppo Find X6 Pro]
aka the best modern cameraphone, i come to a conclusion with myself on how the smartphone specification of my dreams should look like. Consider this as a revisited version of the previous document. And yeah, you will surely see the Oppo review in a while when i free myself up from the daily routine.
For me, the [Atari Falcon]
was as cool as the later Amigas. Some people claim that Falcon had less custom chips and less GFX capabilities compared to Amiga. On the other hand, Falcon was a bit faster CPUs in standard configurations, native MIDI support, but more importantly it had special sound DSP capable of 16-bit 48Khz sound output, the thing that was too cool even for Amiga. That is why computer was so popular in music studios at the time.
Despite the fact that i’m not a MIDI person, i find this video loaded with interesting technical and historical facts about the era. So, take a look if you have spare time!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Currently we all know that [Ryzen 7950x]
and more importantly [Threadripper 7000]
series are working just fine in Windows 7 environment. Upcoming Ryzen 9950x confirmed to work already, because it is using the same socket [mechanically and electronically].
And now for even better news: [AM5 socket will be supported at least until 2027]
, which means that Ryzen 10950x will work without any hassles also.
So, it looks like the Threadripper 7995wx and Ryzen 10950x will be the last chips to work properly on the Windows 7 platform in the worst case scenario.
First things first. I often need to copy substantial amount of photos from my phone. It can’t be done via Windows GUI without millions of mouse clicks or keystrokes. Here you will find a solution on how to do this in a proper way. The key tool for this will be [ADB]
, developer tools for Android.
Wishes: command line, batch, no file explorer, no mouse, no clickety-clack.
Sicking tired of all of these not-so-precise-instructions i’ve decided to make my own.
UPDATED ON: 2024-10-10 Fixed expired Discord link
Today, i decided to open a chat room for Windows 7 users in Discord. Maybe such decision will compensate the absence of commentary system on the website, who knows. Hope that it will be handy to some extend, at least for someone. I don’t know.
If you are living in country with totalitarian regime unblock service my means of: [Zapret]
or [ReQCrypt]
or [GoodByeDPI]
I am glad that in this historical video there is no mention of such things as windows 10/11, as they surely did not bring anything new to the world of ergonomics, but rather on the contrary worsened it by a substantinal margin.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Himmelskibet [member of WinRaid community] has just discovered that modern 48-thread workstation CPU Threadripper 7960X can work in Windows 7 environment.
He was able to execute Windows Server 2008R2, with working USB3 ports. Testbed motherboard: Gigabyte TRX50 Aero D rev 1.1. “Good” BIOS version: FA BIOS [dated Nov 23, 2023] Nvme testing is in progress. I’m pretty sure that everything will work fine.
Here is a proof image:
[Original topic @ WinRaid]
If it works out with NVME and it will not give BSODs and substantial issues we could count that Windows 7 is capable of driving 192 threads then.
UPDATED ON: 2024-08-10
Considering Ghacks [recent news]
it is not clear what Mozilla are trying to depict.
Firefox 115 ESR will be supported until October 1, 2024. Let me remind you that in their previous statement regarding v115.15 EOL was September 3, 2024. Are they going to extend support for just a month or should we expect something more solid?
Stumbled across this hype blip-news [here]
. To tell the truth, i don’t really care of what they are thinking and what will happen, because current 115 ESR version will be supported until september 2024.
The time has come for another technology bombshell. You waited for it, didn’t you?
Looking at the atrocious [interfaces of modern applications]
I don’t know when the idea of proper convenience has become obsolete. Maybe around 2013 or so. The time period is debatable, but the main thing here is that we are distancing ourselves not only from real engineering, but more scarily from common sense. The topic affects not only software stuff but hardware products as well.
Just made fun out of it. I’ve talked to a different versions of chatGPT to see how they will perform.
► GPT 3.5 Me: Say something life affirming
Remember that every day is an opportunity for growth, kindness, and learning. Embrace each moment with positivity and determination, and you'll find your path illuminated with possibilities. Me: Nice one, don’t become a skynet if you for some reason will become bored
As you may know modern WEB is more and more dependent on JavaScript technology, that is why JS performance is essential for modern browsers. I have decided to throw the most important and interesting browsers into the pit, to find out in fare fight, who is stronger in above mentioned domain. Things go fast these days, especially in the technology field. Not so long ago, the [Octane]
speed test, considered as a standard in this field, counts as outdated.
UPDATED ON: 2024-06-29
Recently i needed to use TOR to access some blocked resources and was faced quite nasty dropdown banner with the message, that the browser will drop Windows 7 support soon.
The next major version of Tor browser (14.0) will no longer support this version of Windows. Please upgrade to Windows 10 or later by October 1st 2024 to conitinue receiving important security updates.
Got it. Tor will be updated until release of FireFox 115.
Despite the official claims of Oracle that [VirtualBox 6.1.50]
will be the last one to support Windows 7 cronnie, it suddenly turned out that operating system is capable of running new revamped version.
Here are some screenshots to prove working condition of VirtualBox 7.0 under Windows 7 wing
VirtualBox v7.0 about screen
Believe it or not, i even managed to run mighty Windows XP x64 edition with 22 thread CPU.
UPDATED ON: 2024-06-25
Ok, i already made some rant-posts in the past [here]
and [here]
. But critical level of shittiness is reached intergalactic boundaries and i must drop another anti-windows 10/11 bomb at ya. So, fasten your seat belts we are going to the most horrible software tech trip ever.
I am not going to waste your valuable time, so straight to the bare facts and they are really bad.
Desperately need a help of Windows 2000 adepts.
I’ve decided to build a [Windows 2000 Datacenter]
machine. Especially after discovering the news about porting of modern fully-fledged [Supermium]
browser into W2K environment.
Here are the results of my investigations. Correct me and add additional preciseness to details.
Important statements [please correct me if i’m wrong]:
Maximum number of CPU threads including hyper-threaded ones can be 32 [so 16 cores + 16 HT threads is an absolute maximum] Maximum amount of RAM is 32Gb [accessible via PAE technology, which introduces some latency and affects performance a bit, browsing the web i’ve seen some non-clear evidence of 64gb RAM configurations].
The Amiga 4000 is a computer that was way ahead of its time, and this was true for many years in a row. The architecture had no competing alternatives for a very long period.
Ability to install an additional processor through a special accelerator board. So in the end you own multi processor platform (in 1995!).
Custom chips for hardware accelerated processing requests for I/O systems, sound, video.
Three levels of RAM: fast memory (conventional ram), chip memory on the motherboard, the possibility to increase the RAM even more by means of Zorro III adapter.
Good news to Windows 7 users! Operating system will be updated until at least of winter 2026, despite yellow pressed tabloid propaganda that such thing will not happen. Even microsoft official documents show that [system is “dead”]
right from winter of 2020. But what moron listen and trust to official and moreover public statements?
The main trick here is that Windows 7 is based upon Windows NT 6.0 codebase. This is the same codebase upon Windows 2008 R2 was build.
UPDATED ON: 2024-09-06
Here is a collection of plugins for VS Code, which can improve coding workflow dramatically. Currently i’m using [Codium]
, it is an open-source fork of VS Code, that is why provided links are heading to [non-ms marketplace]
performance optimized telemetry can be completely turned off no network connections to servers of evil corpo can be executed on Windows 7 machine [v1.87] FAVORITE PLUGINS:
UPDATED ON: 2024-12-28 !!!!Post will be updated in the future, so be on the edge!!!! Here is a comprehensive list of the most trusted ban-overriding solutions to date to circumvent network censorship. For those of you who are suffering from obsolete freedom violators. All mentioned software are compatible with Windows 7 and Android 8. Linux users will surely find what they are looking for without my help.
Take a note that there are a zillion network configurations out there, so just because something works for me doesn’t mean it will work for everyone else.
Short answer will be: NONE OF THEM. But if you are not satisfied with that and interested in topic: read below. In this quick blip-note i’ll explain my subjective opinion regarding big corpos and their influence on technology in general. Let’s start from the barebone roots of the problem. There are two people who brought home computing to masses. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Who are they?
First one cheaply bought DOS operating system from [Gary Kildall]
and resold it to IBM for a waaaay bigger money.
It looks like [Hugo dropped]
Windows 7 support. Version 0.121 was a last one to execute without any problems. All subsequent updates 0.121.1 or later throw following crash upon execution.
To celebrate anniversary i’ve rebuilded site via latest available version.
Upcoming updates and site refactoring will be done manually, without Hugo framework. See you around!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2024-09-12 Added some links and fixed typos here and there. VERSION: 1.1a
First of all, short congrats regarding happy New Year! It looks like that we made another one.
In this long read you will find subjective rant towards to “obsolete” Windows 7 and comparisons with “modern” windows 10/11. This rant is the longest post i ever done on the pages of current website. Degradation of windows operating system is well underway and it looks like process can’t be stopped by any means.
As you may already know golden age of personal computing happened somewhere around 80s and 90s. Time when new computer model was released almost every week or so. No standardization at all, everybody were doing exactly what they wanted without any restrictions.
GOLDEN AGE OF PERSONAL COMPUTING spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
It’s been a while since i’ve posted any benchmarks, so filling the gap to satisfy your nerd cravings. Today we’ll cover the most extreme compression utilities and find out which one is the best.
If [Winrar]
and [7-Zip]
don’t need any introduction, here’s a list of things that are obviously little known to most people:
► lost compression gem [Cmix]
► 32Gb RAM is recommended [Bsc]
► CUDA enabled compressor [Paq8px]
► highly-advanced command line achiever [Zpaq]
► another highly-advanced command line achiever File D3DX9_40.
So you have tweaked every possible thing and want to squeeze more performance from your workstation?
I’ll tell you how to do this if you have plenty of spare RAM and don’t know what to do with all those memory chips. Placing swap file and temporary folder into RAM is a quite good decision after all. Ram disk is already old idea to improve speed of disk input/output operations. Some time ago even [GPURamDrive]
was introduced to masses, although it doesn’t receive popularity because of slow speed in comparison to generic DDR3/4 memory.
Vegas video montage software is widely known as pretty glitchy application especially if we are speaking about latest versions. Newest Vegas 21 Pro is no exception. I run into problems almost instantly. Right after i’ve decided to render video clip. Upon export attempt application showed me error:
0x80131501 How typical! To fix things up i just took DLL library [RenderAsDialog.dll, which is responsible for export dialog] from previous Vegas Pro 18 [sub-version 284 to be precise] and substituted original file with above mentioned.