Too large to be good in terms of ergo?

I had the chance to try out the [Dell U4323QE] beast and here is my opinion on that device.

I have been using neat [NEC PA301w] since early 2014 and have no regrets about it’s performance.
But not long time ago i’ve noticed that screen space has become scarce for my needs and applications in 2024.
Even after I added an old 19-inch NEC to the configuration, it still wasn’t enough to feel completely comfortable.

My research is based on hours of googling, using chat-gpt, asking people on forums, viewing tons of YT videos.
Reading comments was actually more useful than watching videos from modern zoomer-headed vloggers.
The search was not an easy task, especially after using NEC’s PA Series monitor for such a long time in a row.
PA301 is set the direction of my views on the requirements for the quality of the image to be formed in a quite strict manner.

Of course, Dell is no match for the NEC PA301 when it comes to color accuracy
[ >140% of sRGB and almost 100% of adobeRGB are hard to beat ].
But at least it offers similar and not subpar performance.

Compromises to cut down the final cost of the monitor:

  • 10-bit color depth is achieved by means of not so honest things like temporal dithering [FRC]
  • Backlight is W-LED [ 95% sRGB color coverage ] instead of LG’s GB-r LED,
    which is used in NEC PA series to achieve whopping 98% of adobeRGB color space

Hard to believe that there is a ten years gap between these screens.

Key features of the Dell U4323QE:

  • 43" inch is maximum possible display in terms of ergonomic viewing angles
  • 350 cd/m² brightness [ a tad better than in PA301w: 340 cd/m² ]
  • 178 degree viewing angles [ matches PA301w ]
  • built-in KVM switch for four devices
  • plethora of connectivity options: LAN, USB3, 90W charging port

Here are a couple of nice video reviews of the Dell U4323QE, that really get to the heart of the matter.

Most reviewers of the Dell U4323QE complain about the low pixel density of the screen, which is around ~100 PPI.
But it’s perfectly fine for me because i have the same density on the mighty NEC PA301w [30 inch, 2560px width]
and i get along with such proportion quite nicely. Yeah, i like large pixels.
This is the retrograde’s blog, for God’s sake, remember?
Retrograde on the edge…sounds weird, but whatever, who really cares?

Some of you may ask me for a reason: BUT WHY NOT OLED DISPLAY?
The short answer to the long story is:

  • the presence of slight PWM flicker even on high-end OLED panels
  • the WRGB pixel layout, which can cause some blurring compared to the RGB pixel layout of P-IPS.

I’ll repeat some lines from [previous post] here.

The enhanced color vibrancy and saturation of NanoIPS and OLED panels can sometimes be quite overwhelming,
particularly during extended use or/and sitting very close to the screen. Due to the nature of technology used in these panels
they emit way more light than the traditional IPS screens.

As for P-IPS tech, you can consider it as a golden standard to work with text for a very long periods of time without exposing
yourself to various fatigues like eye strain and headaches of different sorts.

But what’s more important in the end is that I can’t enjoy this 43" monstrosity because it’s way too big for my body ergo.
From an ergonomic stand point of view you should look on the monitor [from slightly above position]
and this can’t be achieved with this monitor in my environment. My neck says hi to me after a few hours of intensive work.

So i decided to add a simple and pretty budget [Dell 2423D] to my existing Nec PA310w to expand the viewing area.

I’ve already received an offer to insert advertisements between posts, but don’t worry, I’m not into that sort of crazy scheme.
As I [promised earlier] , there will be no propaganda of any kind on this website forever.

Reputation is a fragile thing, it earns painfully slowly and can easily be lost in a fraction of a second.
Most manufactures of products and services think that they can easily buyout everything and squeeze their crap into any resource for
a heap of dollars. But, nah. Such disposition can’t be applied to this website. It is a 100% unique and original project and will never
be available for any sellouts ever, under any circumstances. Oh my! What were they thinking?

Happy pixel hunting!