Just checked some website statistics and was amazed to see that site visitors are spending around 15 minutes on weighted-average.
This is quite an achievement for such small project and it looks like that i’m doing more or less acceptable job in terms of entertaining the actual user base.
Also i find out that spend time is more important than hit rate, because there is a bounce rate characteristics, which describes quantity of people who view only
one page before leaving website. Most of WWW resources have >70% of bounce rate. Such result is saying that large group of people are closing sites within a minute or so. Repelled by loads of ads, uninteresting content, bored by data presentation, or annoyed by fullscreen modal pop-ups with cliche stuff like: “subscribe us today” or “join our community”. What a dumb as#es!
Some more nerd stats regarding website of the project:
- Bounce rate < 60%
- Average pages per unique visitor is around: 4
- Top countries: New Zealand [!] / Slovakia / Denmark / Italy / Russia
That’s it for today.
Oh and by the way:
Weekends are finally have been landed, so enjoy!