PREFACE: At the very beginning I must say that this lil’ note is not an AD. I already promised that there will be no advertisements on the website and this statement is correct till forever: 108%.
As long time micro stock contributor I can rest assure you that [Creative Market] is the most cool marketplace on the web to sell your digital creations. Very solid royalties to contributors, comparing to rest of the market. From generic devaluers only [Adobe Stock] and [Dreamstime] maintain theirs reputation. Other sites are playing “race to the bottom” game in terms of contributor’s royalties, so they are not worth even mentioning here.
But wait, shutterstock needs to be mentioned. After they introduced [considerable drop in contributor royalties] , with rank resetting on each 1st Jan [GREED], they also managed to go even lower then this by [closing contributor forum] [JUST TO SHUT UP ANGRY CONTENT CREATORS].
[Closure of forums] already became day-to-day reality. Yt is already [disabled dislike button] . See the pattern? Pretty transparent, to say the least. All these pathetic actions are aimed to blur real picture for generic masses. They want to force people to be more tolerant to all not-so-good upcoming changes.
Reality points that days of microstock industry are numbered. Anyway, consider this post as a plain thanks to [Creative Market] existence.
Wishing them luck and prosperity [if it is possible in our reality]!