For some time I’ve owned Asus Essense STX II sound-card with cool hardware internals, but sh#t-like drivers.
Very common situation for modern reality. Except the fact that card is not so modern at all.
Asus dropped [driver support]
for Windows 7 @ 2015. How cool is that?
After some web searching I’ve stumbled upon [Maxedtech drivers]
The overall quality is better, some bugs are fixed, some appeared, but even at this point was not satisfied with system stability.
One [wise man from Renoise forum] suggested me to try [Flex Asio driver] . To my surprise it fixed issues with simultaneous audio output. It seems that ASIO support is more solid than in original drivers and even in Maxtech drivers. I highly recommend to give it a roll especially for those users who run multiple audio applications at the same time, like: music trackers, audio editors or something else. But still after all these improvements occasional BSODs stayed with me solidly.
Finally, I fed up with this sh#t and decided to switch my audio hardware.
[ESI Maya 44EX]
was chosen. [The driver with ASIO control panel]
weights 3 Megs ►T-H-R-E-E M-E-G-A-B-Y-T-E-S!◄
And ESI still update them! After some usage I can finally confirm that my blue screen crashes are gone for good and I even noticed some improvements in system responsiveness. Not much surprised, because it is a German product after all.
NOTE ► It looks like machine learning testing is simply horrible and those fancy gigabytes of ram and gigahertz of cpu won’t help you much if your software is a plain sh#t.