As you may already noticed i like to give a reference to Microprose games.
Previous posts covered masterpieces like [UFO: X-Com]
and [Civilization II]
And i’m doing that on purpose. Games of the past primarily relied on solid and very high-quality storylines.
Back in the day processing power of computer was quite limited and developers can’t offer breath-taking graphics.
So they have to use head to output quality entertainment product.
Nowadays devs have all those fancy A++ graphics, incredibly complex frameworks for their needs. And result?
Total absence and deficit of games, which deliver true immersion and have artistic story driven plot.
This problem covers not only games but movies also.
Why is this happening?
People exhausted out their inspiration, lost imaginative abilities or smth?
I’ll leave that to your internal debate.
Returning back to the topic.
Today’s recommendation is [Transport Tycoon Deluxe]
from 1994.
Very detailed economic simulator of transport tycoon.
Original version ran under MS DOS. Deluxe added Windows 95 compatibility.
I suggest you to try out [Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe]
It is a mega comprehensive patch, which adds tons of features, removes bugs and improves overall immmersion to atmosphere of multi-millionaire.
Runs on modern Windows also.