UPDATED ON: 2023-08-01 Latest compatible Blender version 3.6.1
Just a super quick note to refresh previous Blender topic.
As you may already know that [Blender 2.93 can work on Windows 7]
even despite the fact that it is not officially supported. [Alexandru Naiman]
went even deeper and it looks like he made the impossible. Now you can run even the most modern versions of Blender. We are speaking about 3.
Just want to share cool stuff which i’ve stumbled across internet.
TOP 100 3D RENDERS PREVIOUS CHALLENGE Imagery by spacedrone808 @Adobe Imagery by spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-02-12 ► Added info on 2.93.15 LTS & 3.0 Final Make sure to check [newer post]
regarding refreshed information about modern Blender and Windows 7 compatibility
As we all know that last official Blender build to support Windows 7 is 2.92. Next version requires Python 3.9.x, which is not an option for Windows 7. However, there is a possibility to run new 2.93 version via [DLL HACK]
, which could be applied even to the newest 2.