The most recent version of Hugo framework [v0.144.0.2] was hacked to run in Windows 7 environment. You can obtain it [here]
. Now you can enjoy beyond official support. Thanks goes out to ANightly!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
In the last couple of years I dedicated most of my free time to self-learning the barebones of modern web technology, things like: HTML, CSS, JS, WEBPACK, PUG, various frameworks like Hugo and other web tech trickery. For those of you who are interested, here is my [Github page]
. Who knows where the VScode will take me?
I hope that these technologies will be a nice addition to my knowledge of raster & vector software, which I use as an [active microstocker]
It looks like [Hugo dropped]
Windows 7 support. Version 0.121 was a last one to execute without any problems. All subsequent updates 0.121.1 or later throw following crash upon execution.
To celebrate anniversary i’ve rebuilded site via latest available version.
Upcoming updates and site refactoring will be done manually, without Hugo framework. See you around!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
I think that any sane person would like to break free from dependencies of big corps and … No-no-no, no political rant will happen here today, so stay cool. It’s just a small guide on how to make your Hugo-based site to load faster and do as little external queries as possible.
Here is a classic situation when you load badly designed site. Output of [uMatrix]
plugin just for better representation.
Locate your style.css
NAME-OF-THE-PROJECT\themes\NAME-OF-THEME\assets\css\style.css Add following code to apply 30px indentation.
p {
text-indent: 30px;
} For no indentation:
p {
text-indent: 0px;
} or just remove the whole block of p code.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik