In the last couple of years I dedicated most of my free time to self-learning the barebones of modern web technology, things like: HTML, CSS, JS, WEBPACK, PUG, various frameworks like Hugo and other web tech trickery. For those of you who are interested, here is my [Github page]
. Who knows where the VScode will take me?
I hope that these technologies will be a nice addition to my knowledge of raster & vector software, which I use as an [active microstocker]
No posts about VS Code for so long time? This should be fixed.
Today i’ll do a little note regarding visual looks of the editor. Honestly, I already have my personalized theme. But after seeing [Retrowave84’s skin]
, I was so impressed with the overall aesthetics and correctly set glow and shadow effects, that I decided to stack it on my own theme, to get the best things from both of them.
UPDATED ON: 2024-09-06
Here is a collection of plugins for VS Code, which can improve coding workflow dramatically. Currently i’m using [Codium]
, it is an open-source fork of VS Code, that is why provided links are heading to [non-ms marketplace]
performance optimized telemetry can be completely turned off no network connections to servers of evil corpo can be executed on Windows 7 machine [v1.87] FAVORITE PLUGINS:
UPDATED ON: 2024-04-03 Page will be updated in the future, so check back later on
Here are some handy online tools and various mandatory links for front end developer. This is a fine selection from me, which i accumulated during last month of web investigations. Hope that you will find in this list what you are looking for. If you have suggestions or any commentaries to following breakdown, [drop me a line]
Locate your style.css
NAME-OF-THE-PROJECT\themes\NAME-OF-THEME\assets\css\style.css Add following code to apply 30px indentation.
p {
text-indent: 30px;
} For no indentation:
p {
text-indent: 0px;
} or just remove the whole block of p code.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
I bet that many of you would like to open site links not in the same window, but in a background tab. Such behavior is restricted by default settings of most Hugo themes. Mainroad is restricting it also. Here is a solution on how to overcome weird limitation.
Create file render-link.html in _default folder of the theme. Name_of_your_site\themes\mainroad\layouts\_default\_markup\render-link.html Contents of render-link.html should be like this:
<a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}"{{ with .