Despite the fact that i am a complete dummy when it comes to repairing computer boards i like to watch this awesome guy saving legendary machines one by one.
Also, I know that a substantial amount of visitors to this website come here for Amiga related stuff and that was the primary motivation for this post.
Moreover, it turns out that computer repairs are quite meditative and help me to distance myself from real life rave events happening behind my window and keep my brain clean and busy for yellow press “news”.
Brilliant high quality review of a really interesting and compact SCSI card for those of you who want to keep your Amiga up to date.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Despite the fact that i’m not a MIDI person, i find this video loaded with interesting technical and historical facts about the era. So, take a look if you have spare time!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
The Amiga 4000 is a computer that was way ahead of its time, and this was true for many years in a row. The architecture had no competing alternatives for a very long period.
Ability to install an additional processor through a special accelerator board. So in the end you own multi processor platform (in 1995!).
Custom chips for hardware accelerated processing requests for I/O systems, sound, video.
Three levels of RAM: fast memory (conventional ram), chip memory on the motherboard, the possibility to increase the RAM even more by means of Zorro III adapter.
As you may already know golden age of personal computing happened somewhere around 80s and 90s. Time when new computer model was released almost every week or so. No standardization at all, everybody were doing exactly what they wanted without any restrictions.
GOLDEN AGE OF PERSONAL COMPUTING spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Live chiptune remix of well-known Children track by [Robert Miles]
ROBERT MILES ♫ CHILDREN [LIVE REMIX BY YERZMYEY & PINOKIO] Aldo, make sure to check out [Yerzmyey YT channel]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Couple days back virtual friend of mine send me a link to awesome website mainly dedicated to [vintage computer fonts]
. I suppose that project’s roots come from demoscene. And yeah, design aesthetics is so cool, just look at that.
Stashing it here for catalogue purposes.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
It is pretty strange that i didn’t cover this topic in previous posts. So, i stand corrected and posting it now!
In this quick breakdown i’ll point to the most coolest demoscene stuff out there.
▓ IBM PC [DOS/WIN] In early 90s finnish coders from [Future Crew]
brought phenomenon of demoscene to masses.
FUTURE CREW - SECOND REALITY [1993] Demo size: 2Mb [Demo page]
[The Black Lotus]
are Swedish Atari/Amiga hackers.
I suppose that many of you will be interested in looking at the most important operating systems of the past. Today it is possible even withour virtual machine. You can observe vintage operating systems right in your browser. [ATARI ST]
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chiptune tracker music site heavily inspired by Amiga OS Workbench v1.3. spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik