Supporting Windows 7 almost every day for numerous years i have to admit that operating system is getting harder and harder to support, but it is definitely possible and we still don’t have the right to consider it as an obsolete environment.
To install latest Electron framework:
npm install electron --save-dev If you work in a corporate environment with tightened security, such as a government structure or banking institution, you will almost certainly end up with this error:
PostgreSQL Windows 7 support is a piece of dog sh#t. That is why you almost always have a loads of quirks on the table here and there. Beware that i’ve described Postgre installer in a soft words, it deserves way more. Original installer skips almost all things which should be done by a proper one: it won’t initialize your database it won’t kickstart windows service it won’t setup system environment with correct variables it f#cks up user roles it throws loads of errors in your face like Problem running post-install step.
The most recent version of Hugo framework [v0.144.0.2] was hacked to run in Windows 7 environment. You can obtain it [here]
. Now you can enjoy beyond official support. Thanks goes out to ANightly!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
I used to think that the 18.x version was [the last to run on Windows 7]
And now I am glad to tell you that enthusiast hackers from Russia made quite a neat and generous thing to backport NodeJS 22 to Windows 7 environment.
Such occurrence was super useful since i was already running into some limitations with [NodeJS 18]
and was thinking about moving my project to the Linux environment.
In the last couple of years I dedicated most of my free time to self-learning the barebones of modern web technology, things like: HTML, CSS, JS, WEBPACK, PUG, various frameworks like Hugo and other web tech trickery. For those of you who are interested, here is my [Github page]
. Who knows where the VScode will take me?
I hope that these technologies will be a nice addition to my knowledge of raster & vector software, which I use as an [active microstocker]
No posts about VS Code for so long time? This should be fixed.
Today i’ll do a little note regarding visual looks of the editor. Honestly, I already have my personalized theme. But after seeing [Retrowave84’s skin]
, I was so impressed with the overall aesthetics and correctly set glow and shadow effects, that I decided to stack it on my own theme, to get the best things from both of them.
Too large to be good in terms of ergo?
I had the chance to try out the [Dell U4323QE]
beast and here is my opinion on that device.
I have been using neat [NEC PA301w]
since early 2014 and have no regrets about it’s performance. But not long time ago i’ve noticed that screen space has become scarce for my needs and applications in 2024. Even after I added an old 19-inch NEC to the configuration, it still wasn’t enough to feel completely comfortable.
UPDATED ON: 2024-09-07
Internet is swarming with instructions on how to do this in a proper way, but all of them are incomplete and it looks like the authors don’t care much and don’t put enough effort into making them really shine, so i decided to fix that confusion and write my own, uber one.
Computer user ergonomics is a really complex thing, so I split the FAQ into several sections for better readability and understanding.
UPDATED ON: 2024-09-06
Here is a collection of plugins for VS Code, which can improve coding workflow dramatically. Currently i’m using [Codium]
, it is an open-source fork of VS Code, that is why provided links are heading to [non-ms marketplace]
performance optimized telemetry can be completely turned off no network connections to servers of evil corpo can be executed on Windows 7 machine [v1.87] FAVORITE PLUGINS:
It looks like [Hugo dropped]
Windows 7 support. Version 0.121 was a last one to execute without any problems. All subsequent updates 0.121.1 or later throw following crash upon execution.
To celebrate anniversary i’ve rebuilded site via latest available version.
Upcoming updates and site refactoring will be done manually, without Hugo framework. See you around!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-11-04
Nothing complex here, at least at this time. Here i’ll accumulate performance related information.
░▒▓ LAZY LOADING OF IMAGES ▓▒░ Just implemented lazy loading at my main index page. Concept is pretty simple you are loading images only when they appearing in the viewport of the browser. All you need to do is just to apply loading=“lazy” to the classes of loaded images.
<img loading="lazy" src="/img/demo./png" alt="Picture"> In my case it was like this:
For me things never work as they should. Github is not an exception. After my first try to submit things to repo i run into:
... Author identity unknown. *** Please tell me who you are. PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED BY THESE COMMANDS:
git config --global "YOUR_EMAIL" git config --global "YOUR_LOGIN" After that certificate issue occurred:
... self-signed certificate in certificate chain and another error right after the previous one:
UPDATED ON: 2024-04-05
All keyboard hacks and tweaks will be posted here. Stay tuned for more goodies!
"key": "alt+numpad_subtract",
"command": "workbench.action.decreaseViewSize"
"key": "alt+numpad_add",
"command": "workbench.action.increaseViewSize"
"key": "ctrl+shift+b",
"command": "workbench.action.toggleActivityBarVisibility"
] Last rule-set do not contain coma symbol in the end.
UPDATED ON: 2024-04-03 Page will be updated in the future, so check back later on
Here are some handy online tools and various mandatory links for front end developer. This is a fine selection from me, which i accumulated during last month of web investigations. Hope that you will find in this list what you are looking for. If you have suggestions or any commentaries to following breakdown, [drop me a line]
UPDATED ON: 2024-04-05
Here is a small list of mandatory keystrokes, which significantly speed up working process!
NOTE! ++[KEY] ► means that you must release previously pressed keys upon pressing it
[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[N] ► new editor instance
[CTRL]+[K]+[CTRL]+[O] ► open folder
[CTRL]+[K]++[F] ► close folder
[ALT]+[L]+[ALT]+[O] ► open in browser
[CTRL]+[W] ► close current tab
[CTRL]+[K]++[W] ► close all tabs
[ALT]+[1]/[2]/[3] ► fast-switch to diffrenet tabs
[CTRL]+[1]/[2] ► fast-switch between panels
UPDATED ON: 2023-12-02
The main reason i’ve decided to write this note is indistinct default color mappings and inability to solve issue simply using GUI of software.
In main configuration file:
settings.json add following lines:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editorCursor.foreground": "#ff0000",
"terminalCursor.foreground": "#02ED3D",
"editorLineNumber.activeForeground": "#ff0000",
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#016119",
"editor.lineHighlightBorder": "#02ED3D",
"terminal.foreground": "#02ed3d" }, To set custom color for GREY comments drop in these lines:
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"conmments": "#ff006f"
} To fast access configuration file press:
UPDATED ON: 2024-07-05 v1.81.1 is a more recent version, which can be executed without any efforts v1.89 is a hacked [FINAL version] for Windows 7 x64 So, Windows 7 users are pretty safe at this point despite artificial restrictions of big corps.
Usually i’m not feeling so delightful regarding microsoft modern programs, but this one is pretty good. And of course they tried to artificially cripple it under “obsolete” Windows 7.
UPDATED ON: 2024-08-29
Node.js dropped Windows 7 “support” rigth after [version number 13]
.What a load of sh#t. Today i’ll tell you how to overcome this nonsense and run latest LTS version [Node.JS 18.x]
without any problems. More newer versions may work also. I’ll leave you some room for experiments. Recently i found excellent already [patched installer of NodeJS 18]
First of all you need to download zipped version of software, not msi one.
I think that any sane person would like to break free from dependencies of big corps and … No-no-no, no political rant will happen here today, so stay cool. It’s just a small guide on how to make your Hugo-based site to load faster and do as little external queries as possible.
Here is a classic situation when you load badly designed site. Output of [uMatrix]
plugin just for better representation.
"Windows 7 is not supported by modern Python anymore" The latest official version is [v3.8.15]
. Despite above mentioned dummy statement [Adang1345]
restored justice and brought back support of Windows 7. Hacked Python installers for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003 R2 can be downloaded: ► [HERE]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Locate your style.css
NAME-OF-THE-PROJECT\themes\NAME-OF-THEME\assets\css\style.css Add following code to apply 30px indentation.
p {
text-indent: 30px;
} For no indentation:
p {
text-indent: 0px;
} or just remove the whole block of p code.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Today, I’ve accidentally deleted local .git index folder of my blog repository, because of this I was not able to submit new content. Tried to restore files by File Scavenger, but it was too late because I was in the middle of active file operations and .git folder was erased without any chance of returning it back to drive.
I’ve tried to recreate index by means of:
git init But Git-Bash-console threw me an error:
I bet that many of you would like to open site links not in the same window, but in a background tab. Such behavior is restricted by default settings of most Hugo themes. Mainroad is restricting it also. Here is a solution on how to overcome weird limitation.
Create file render-link.html in _default folder of the theme. Name_of_your_site\themes\mainroad\layouts\_default\_markup\render-link.html Contents of render-link.html should be like this:
<a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}"{{ with .