Today we are going to make a deep dive into advanced file management and automation. There are several scenarios for copying files from external storage that are described here.
► COPY SPECIFIC FILE TYPES FROM MULTIPLE FOLDERS ON ANY EXTERNAL DRIVE TO THE LOCAL HARD DRIVE This script will copy ALL JPG FILES from folders TEST1 and TEST2, which are located on any flash-drive to folder 1234 located on local drive C.
UPDATED ON: 2024-12-13
[Terry Davis]
was an exceptional programmer who created his own programming language, dedicated compiler, boot loader, operating system kernel [TempleOS]
written in language he created, various graphical libraries without relying on external dependencies and borrowing. He can be considered as the father of 3D printing and designed a three-axis milling machine, but due to increasing schizophrenic incidents the project was abandoned.
Toward the end of his life, he became difficult to understand, but was reported to be “always lucid” when the topic of discussion involved computers or other technical matters.
Have you ever been pissed off by loads of junk folders like “Music”, “Pictures”, “Movies”, “DCIM”, “LOST.DIR” on sd-cards and OTG flash drives that are created by Android?
There is no easy way to avoid their creation, because this “feature” is hardcoded into Android core. Of course we can root the phone and hack the system by means of Xposed framework or something similar, but we won’t do it today.
Surfing web regarding Windows 7 news i’ve stumbled upon [MDGX]
site. This chaotic gold mine of various knowledge, especially regarding vintage operating systems! Immediately bookmarked it and will surely study in a closer inspection later on. Huge section [dedicated to Windows 7 tweaks]
and [plain text file]
is also available. Hope that you’ll find something previously unknown.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Want to play your favourite old DOS games on Windows 7? Try DosBox and D-fend frontend conjunction. You will not be disappointed!
[D-Fend Reloaded]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Couple days back virtual friend of mine send me a link to awesome website mainly dedicated to [vintage computer fonts]
. I suppose that project’s roots come from demoscene. And yeah, design aesthetics is so cool, just look at that.
Stashing it here for catalogue purposes.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
In [one of the first posts]
I’ve promised to do a quick overview of this awesome laptop. So here it is!
FRONT VIEW I/O SYSTEM KEYBOARD UPCLOSE SIDE PORTS CLOSED LID COMPAQ LOGO I like the overall aesthetics and design of the casing. Computer easily handles any DOS software. Keyboard is nice too, like tactile feel of it. My copy has a wobbly keyboard on the left side, but this due to it’s age of course.
UPDATED ON: 2024-12-12
I use these automation on daily basis to improve my workflow. All batch files are tested under Windows 7 x64.
► SHUTDOWN PUTER shutdown /p /f ► REBOOT PUTER shutdown /r /f /t 0 ► RESTART AUDIO SERVICE net stop "AudioSrv"
net start "AudioSrv" ► DISABLE HIBERNATE powercfg -h off ► DISABLE/ENABLE LAN INTERFACES netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" admin=disabled netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" admin=enabled To reset IP address: