UPDATED ON: 2023-12-02
You may already noticed [list of system tweakers]
in Windows 7 header section. Just wanted to describe process a bit with the help of plain words and some png pictures for crispy clearness and buttery smooth understanding of the process.
By default software forbids execution when you are using classic desktop and aero is not enabled.
However, there is a nice workaround. By adding –no-dwm-warning switch to starting shortcut you can avoid internal restriction.
"C:\Program Files\Affinity\Photo\Photo.exe" --no-dwm-warning NOTE: with some graphical drivers you may experience visual artifacts and not so precise image rendering.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-02-12 ► Added info on 2.93.15 LTS & 3.0 Final Make sure to check [newer post]
regarding refreshed information about modern Blender and Windows 7 compatibility
As we all know that last official Blender build to support Windows 7 is 2.92. Next version requires Python 3.9.x, which is not an option for Windows 7. However, there is a possibility to run new 2.93 version via [DLL HACK]
, which could be applied even to the newest 2.
UPDATED ON: 2025-03-04 NOTE: list will be updated in the future [final renewal is planned somewhere around 2028]. List of essential software needed for smooth and hassle free system performance. I use these applications on a daily basis. Selection is really private, but nevertheless of this fact I want to share my knowledge with you. List doesn’t contain any microsoft or adobe products. Sorted by usage frequency.
Also i’ll do my best to provide final Windows 7 compatible versions of software.
Official extended support for Windows 7 operating system [ended on January 14, 2020]
. Home users can’t extend support for the operating system while business and enterprise customers may extend support by up to three years [till January 14, 2023]
, to be precise. This is done by joining the ESU program which is available per machine [business] or per user [enterprise].
UPDATED ON: 2024-09-12
For those of you, who are wondering about the future of Windows 7 operating system here is a brief chart showing precise timings.
Windows 7 SP1 Mainstream Support
Windows 7 SP1 Extended Support
Windows Embedded POSReady 7 Support
Windows 7 SP1 ESU Support
Windows Embedded POSReady 7 ESU Support
Premium Server Assurance Support 2026/01/13