UPDATED ON: 2022-03-06 Corel Draw 2022 confirmed to work on Windows 7, but w/o GPU acceleration. 2020 version also don’t provide GPU extensions, but you can ignore this if you have fast 8-16 multicore CPU.
Just run into difficulties during Corel Painter 2020 installation process. Right after the first screen i can’t press [Next »] button.
Problem was solved by dropping down security level in Internet Explorer 11 [!]
Previous owner of my main laptop installed the most modern intel WiFi chip, [AX200]
to be precise. Unfortunately, chip does not have drivers for beloved Windows 7. Yeah intel dropped support in 2019. So, i have to downgrade wireless card. Found on eBay compatible [Dell WiFi 1820]
: the last one to support Windows 7 operating system.
I always loved Dell’s Precision series for super easy installation of hardware upgrades.
Simple repost of an excellent YT review on my current trusty websurfer ► [Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
In [one of the first posts]
I’ve promised to do a quick overview of this awesome laptop. So here it is!
FRONT VIEW I/O SYSTEM KEYBOARD UPCLOSE SIDE PORTS CLOSED LID COMPAQ LOGO I like the overall aesthetics and design of the casing. Computer easily handles any DOS software. Keyboard is nice too, like tactile feel of it. My copy has a wobbly keyboard on the left side, but this due to it’s age of course.
UPDATED ON: 2023-11-23
¶ ESSENTIAL INTRODUCTION Finally I get up all one’s courage to compile and publish essential stuff regarding Windows 7 optimization. Note that full version of the guide will be released somewhere around early 2023. Check the warm place to stay on the edge. And now….Let’s dive into the tweaking process!
All console commands should be executed from command line with with administrative privileges. Most of mentioned tweaks could be done via control panel, to enter it in a fast way just type in command line or execute Start Run:
I can’t even describe my feelings regarding the topic. Just look what Ghacks.net threw at our faces!
Who needs another dump number 12? If 10 & 11 are already pretty deep garbage.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-12-02
You may already noticed [list of system tweakers]
in Windows 7 header section. Just wanted to describe process a bit with the help of plain words and some png pictures for crispy clearness and buttery smooth understanding of the process.
is a convenient command line tool, which allows to change meta data of media files, like photos and pictures. You can download it [here]
c:\exiftool.exe -overwrite_original -all= C:\PATH-TO-YOUR_FOLDER
c:\exiftool.exe -overwrite_original -XMP-iptcCore:CreatorWorkEmail="YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS" -XMP-iptcCore:CreatorWorkURL="YOUR WEBSITE" -artist="YOUR NAME" -copyright="YOUR COPYRIGHT" -Credit="YOUR NAME" -Source="YOUR NAME" -sep ", " -keywords="background, backdrop, postcard, design, element, wallpaper, dramatic, concept, decoration, scene, vivid, vibrant, travel, trip" C:\FOLDER-TO-PROCESS
exit spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
It will be prohibited not to mention about Streets of Rage II ► favourite beat’em’up of my childhood. First three parts are classical arcade machine stuff, they pretty similar to each other. Last one is a fan-made project with new graphics and design. STREETS OF RAGE II STREETS OF RAGE IV EVOLUTION OF STREETS OF RAGE 1991-2021 spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
CURRENTLY TEST IS NOT OPTIMIZED FOR MOBILE VIEW! IMAGE WIDTH >1600px IS RECOMMENDED! ▒ DIRECT COMPARISON In the very beginning of the test I underline the fact that we are comparing only resolution and not the dynamic range. In this category older FSI sensor is an outsider, for sure. Today’s rival is [Samsung S22 Ultra]
with 1/1.33" sensor. A lil’ smaller than mighty Nokia 808, which comes with 1/1.2". Now let’s see how Nokia will hold up in such situation.
UPDATED ON: 2022-02-18
CURRENTLY TEST IS NOT OPTIMIZED FOR MOBILE VIEW! IMAGE WIDTH >1600px IS RECOMMENDED! ▒ DIRECT COMPARISON In the very beginning of the test I underline the fact that we are comparing only resolution and not the dynamic range. In this category older FSI sensor is an outsider, for sure. Today’s rival is [IPHUCK 13 PRO HYPER MAX]
with unknown sensor, even GSMarena don’t know actual size of it [after [some research]
i find out that it is somewhere around 1/1.
▓ DESCRIPTION OF NFT SET Some boomboxness at yer face! Exploring opportunity for another NFT project.
NUMBER OF ITEMS: 5 USED TOOLS: Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, XnView, Wacom
NFT buyer will get high resolution true color jpg files [width: 4800px] and original vector dummy.
Pack will be available for exclusive purchase till 8 August of 2022.
If you are interested in purchasing set as NFT please [drop me a line]
[TaleSpin [1990-1991]]
One of the best kid cartoons. Hand drawing is a masterpiece. It’s even better than in [Darkwing Duck]
Interesting storyline, detailed backdrops and very neat animation. Your kid must not miss it!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
[Igor Talkov]
was very talented person, who can do pop, rock, reggae, ballad or even rap at the same time. And the most important part is that texts of the songs were historically and politically correct and full of life experience.
His art was relevant not only in 90s, but in 2022 also. His contributions becoming even more urgent, especially considering recent “activities” of main senile and quite insane statesman of Russia.
EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES IN SELLING DIGITAL ART OF MY OWN. Topic: vintage gadgets of the past. Tools: Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, XnView, Wacom.
Low quality 64-color png versions could be observed below. NFT buyer will get high resolution true color jpgs [width: 4800px] or even vector files.
GHETTO BLASTER [IN WORKS] If you are interested in purchasing art as NFT please [contact me]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
While STALKER 2 announced to be delayed, [again]
. It looks like that we have plenty of time to do one more run to an excellent [OGSR modification]
of original [STALKER]
Classic post-apocalyptic survival-horor shooter with RPG elements. Original game was know for huge amount of bugs and glitches, so I recommend you to play-through OGSR mod, which fixes tons of bugs, adds new quests to main story-line, new weaponry, changes balance and adds convenience features.
This is not an AD post, just reporting that i’ve switched from annoying teamviewer for a better remote tool and grateful to developers of software.
I fed up with teamviewer’s nag-screens and constant mumbling that i use software not for a personal use. During 2020 i’ve used hacked version with auto-generator of my client ID to prevent nag-screen triggering, but when i find out that their android client is full of telemetry stuff i’ve decided to ditch it completely.
[Shawshank Redemption]
The story about achieving an aim. Almost everybody have such thing in mind. Glory, fame, family, wealth, new toy - whatever.
Despite the fact that i prefer art house movies to mainstream production i’m counting this piece of Hollywood as really good one. Everything in film is well ballanced. Actors, scenario, sountrack. And yeah, emotional punch is pretty tremendous to say the least.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2022-02-08
▓ DESCRIPTION OF NFT SET Ok. You want to own the coolest set of vintage analog tvset’s on the digital NFT market? So here it is, at your disposal.
BREIF TOPIC: Collection of unique vintage tvset pictures paired with vhs and dvd recorder. NAME: FORMER HERITAGE OF ANALOG TELEVISION [trkninj808-release-003?] INSPIRED BY: 80s, 90s, CRT, VHS, DVD, number 2000 and letter N. NUMBER OF ITEMS: 25 SALE CONDITIONS: After i have receive satisfying offer [greater than 0.
Recently i’ve finished to sticker-bomb my current `puter case. So, see the results, if you are interested of course.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
FAQ ver 0.1b
▓ PREFACE This comprehensive guide will be handy for those of you who can’t figure out why hp printer is not detected by windows using usb connection and for those of you who are asking himself/herself “why do i need to do usb plug to setup device for wireless work?”
hp is notoriously known in terms of really s#cky printer drivers. During all my career of system administrator i’ve constantly ran into driver related problems with hp devices.