For those of you who miss authentic 90s styled 3D action with pumping sountrack, which also feels so right.
OFFICIAL TRAILER spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Incredibly stellar and consistent narration of [RetroAhoy]
forced me to share this captivating story with you. One of the few channels with million subs which delivers unmatched review quality. Such quality can be found more likely on smaller YT channels, rather than on top channels. First priority of which is to promote loads of sh#te ads.
THE HISTORY OF UFO: X-COM spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Performed in ACE Tracker 2 [Atari Falcon platform]. Falcon is 16 MHz Atari computer from 1992.
TIMBRAL ▀ SPEED OF TIME [ATARI] spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
NeoGeo is well-known not only for [largest games]
of the era [cartridges up to 90Mb!], but for top-notch quality in game animations. ENJOY PEAK OF PIXEL ART!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
One more S.T.A.L.K.E.R. posting if you don’t mind.
Mods and [modern versions]
are nice, but classic [Stalker series]
shouldn’t be forgotten too. Here is a list of classic games.
[Shadow of Chernobyl]
► original first version of Stalker game series [the most atmospheric & my favorite one] [Clear Sky]
► prequel to Shadow of Chernobyl [Call of Pripyat]
► sequel to Shadow of Chernobyl Vivid table, which conveniently represents games from the most buggy to the less buggy.
Always amused how generic ADs are painfully boring. Contrary to most of the world Japan produces special and very remembering commercials.
TSURUYA ▀ ROOFING TILES spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Music recommended by David Lynch. Play it on repeat all day long. Especially good in headphones.
STILL CORNERS ▀ THE TRIP spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
As a big fan of [Stalker series]
i can’t afford myself to skip such title as [Stalker: Update]
It is Russian actively developed ambitious remake of classic [Stalker]
based upon modern [OGSR]
modification with many substantial changes like:
vastly improved graphics quality incredible weather system [summer/autumn/winter] fine-tuning of game balance more detailed models and items remastered audio and much, much more It is almost one-man-project, so please be patient.
Ok-ok-ok, way too much information, how about some musix?
Today i’m gonna throw oldschool pop-acid-breaks at yer face!
HYBRID - IF I SURVIVE [feat. JULEE CRUISE] spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Is an ambitious project to replicate Fallout 1 world using Fallout 4 engine. Currently game in it’s early stage of development, but location of Shady Sands was already showcased to the public.
Developers intend to redo original voice-over because of copyright trademarks. Moreover they are trying to copy voice aesthetics as close as possible to original Fallout 1. Also you can already preview multiple soundtracks created by [Radiofloyd]
As for me, I really like what they are doing, despite the fact that I’m not fond of Fallout 3/4.
UPDATED ON: 2023-08-01 Chromium v117 [already ported]
to Windows 7
Although I’m completely uninterested in google browser and it’s siblings you have to know that there is a way to run current chromium version in Windows 7 environment, despite of all [mumblings]
that 109 is the very last version to run on Windows 7.
Backported version of chromium 112 called [CatsXP]
available at your disposal. Also, there are [other solutions]
on how to run version 110 and most recent 109 build intended for Windows Server 2012.
As you may already know, there is no official ability to execute old 16-bit software in 64-bit operating systems. So if you have favorite Windows 3.x applications such stupid restriction was a complete bummer. But only until today! At least for me. WinVDM will resolve your frustration.
For providing such valuable information thanks goes out to [NeonFloppy website]
Unpack archive anywhere, execute INSTALL with admin privileges and you are good to go After installation working state could be checked by [Windows 3.
UPDATED ON: 2023-04-20 Important update, substantial refactoring, many errors fixed
▒ PREFACE WORDS Following instruction is dedicated to flashing stock Android 8.0 firmware for Russian region, but almost all information can be applied to USA or any other region firmware. So, no restrictions here.
Remember that all commands and programs should be executed with admin privileges and your account must have administrator rights! If something goes wrong for some reason be sure to check [TROUBLESHOOTING]
The rocket is striving into the darkness of grace We are no longer among those who is worthy of Earth The photon bird can scatter us into the space And rip us out of the loop of rebirth for good berth
Forget everything what you have chance to know nowaday Leave that garbage to those who have lost their minds We’ll braid a strand in the milky way With the threads of lives our love’s names
UPDATED ON: 2024-01-01
Good news, everyone! Count me as professor Farnsworth from [Rick and Morty]
Mike Kaply, current Mozilla employee [reported]
on bug-tracking forum the following:
We will not be ending support for Windows 7 / Windows 8 before the release of the Firefox 115 ESR, so the Firefox 115 ESR will support Windows 7 / Windows 8 at least until 3Q 2024. First 115 version of software will be released on July 4, 2023.
My claims to previously owned cables were excessive fragility and the fact that they are prone to physical damage too much. Although that i’m using my hardware with care, wire breakage happens quite often. So i decided to go a bit overkill in terms of elimination of this nasty problem.
[Dunu Hulk Pro]
is a confirmation of my words. It’s a top of the line copper-based wire of Dunu branding.
I already mentioned desktop version of [UFO: X-COM Defence]
Also there is open-source [Android port]
of the game. In today’s post i would like to recommend you an extended modification called [OpenXcom Extended]
. Mod offers plenty of improvements over the original version including neat touchscreen controls [!].
Download [OpenXcom Extended]
||| [direct link to v7.8] Download original DOS [game cache]
||| [] Extract downloaded archive into SDcard/OpenXcom folder Run game launcher and point it to newly created folder Check the plethora of settings provided by the game Now you can shot alien scum wherever you want!
UPDATED ON: 2023-08-31
Not long ago i’ve already mentioned about privacy-hardened [Mull browser]
. Very nice Android browser, but have one serious downside: limited amount of supported addons. Yes, i like desktop convenience on the go!
To enable additional addons in mobile Firefox browser you’ll need to sideload custom addon collection tied to mozilla account. It’s astonishing fact how they like to implement overcomplicated stuff!
To create your own collection you’ll need Firefox account, but i’ll not bother to spent time on such dumb efforts.
UPDATED ON: 2023-04-06
After a year of extensive testing i find out that [Shanling M6]
has some flaws, which won’t fit my requirements. It is an excellent 2-way DAC DAP in terms of sound quality. All my claims have purely ergonomic nature: Dim display, big form factor [at least from my point of view], weak battery life.
These factors forced me to look at [Ibasso DX240]
player. Player has single-way desktop grade 32bit/768Khz/DSD512 enabled DAC [ES9038Pro]
[pdf specs], very serious elements banding, nice bright Sharp screen and big battery.
I was completely floored by quality of movie atmosphere and yeah, this is true [retro-future-cyberpunk show]
of the 80s, without any strained interpretations.
Pumping soundtrack, marvelous neon illumination with dramatic light beams, excellent design rise quality of the picture to the point where we can safely say “this is classic!”. Glorious CRT monitors, bulky industrial keyboards, cool computer graphics made on fancy new [Amiga]
UPDATED ON: 2025-03-04 Section is in constant under construction, so check back in a while for new goodies
Here i’ll accumulate list of modern applications, which were forced to work in Windows 7 environment.
► [v134] ► hacked version [TOR BROWSER]
► [v14] ► hacked version of Tor browser [SUPERMIUM]
► [v132] ► degoogled version of chrome browser [CATSXP]
► [v134] ► chinese modern version of chrome browser [may contain telemetry] [MS OFFICE]
► [v2019] ► doable with some trickery [QBITTORRENT]
► [v5.
One of my readers asked me why i’m not doing long posts. Answer is pretty trivial. I don’t have much time for writing longer articles. That is why i’m sticking to concept of really short blips, almost like tweets, but a bit longer.
Bright side of such aspect is that i’m diving straight to the facts, without any unneeded mambo-jambo.
For some reason we all in a hurry now, right? Think that blips disposition is quite effective though.
UPDATED ON: 2023-03-10 ► Thanks goes out to Jean Lebon for suggesting [service to fix broken links]
Super fast information on website. Please don’t hesitate to report broken links, because i already can’t handle correctness of site pages, due to enormous site growth. Website hosts around 1Mb of pure text. A little more and i’ll surpass [Fallout 1]
text quantity. Currently all textual information can be saved on a single [3.
Observing [february Windows updates]
@ Ghacks we can clearly see that Windows Server 2008 R2 is still maintained.
…author of [Simplix updater]
reported that POS ESU updates will be back-ported to non-server Windows 7 distribution and included in his monthly patcher. So, future usage of Windows 7 is 100% safeguarded. Stay sharp for more “obsolete” Windows 7 news!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2025-02-17
Mull project is dead and superseded by [IronFox]
It looks like that i found replacement for [Fenec F-Droid]
browser, for real. I’m not completely satisfied with not fully removed telemetry, shady stubs and other fishy things presented by Fennec. That is why i begin to investigate the problem and discovered [Mull browser]
. Main features of it:
DOESN’T DIAL BACK NEITHER TO GOOGLE NOR TO MOZILLA [and that’s a complete steal] based around hardened version of user.