UPDATED ON: 2024-04-03 Page will be updated in the future, so check back later on
Here are some handy online tools and various mandatory links for front end developer. This is a fine selection from me, which i accumulated during last month of web investigations. Hope that you will find in this list what you are looking for. If you have suggestions or any commentaries to following breakdown, [drop me a line]
[Bubba Ho-Tep]
is a quite awkward movie, but despite that is worth watching. The main reasons of such conclusion are [Bruce Campbell]
and [Brian Tyler]
. Bruce is surely known for his [Evil Dead]
acting. Brian provided stunning soundtrack, which lifts whole movie to another level.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
If you are really serious about webdev and care about loading times of your projects you should take a look on following image optimizers.
► excellent PNG/JPG compressor
[Gif Optimizer]
► solid GIF optimizer, animated GIF are supported also
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
As you may already noticed i’m fond of good ol’ black humor, which appears as it happens mostly in zombie genre.
[Juan Of The Dead]
was another unexpected discovery. Story about Cuban slackers running into open revolt of American “dissidents” primarily known as leaving dead zombies. Also i must mark the presence of excellent soundtrack, which significantly improves watching experience.
OFFICIAL TRAILER If you have any suggestions regarding films in black comedy genre i’ve missed and didn’t cover them here, please [drop me a line]
Couple of days ago doing generic internet surfing i was smashed in the face with this out of the blue [thing]. Super correct site if you are in a desperate need to prank your non-tech colleagues or friends. Just make sure that computer has recent browser, select the desired prank and hit [F11] key to enter full-screen mode. Funny thing how Windows XP desktop and Windows 7 updating process are ended with:
Sufficient amount of small bloggers/vloggers complain about [shadow-banning problem]
on large platforms lke yt, tik-tok an so on. Some of them are trying to investigate the root cause of the issue, some of them just give up, even such legends as [High Treason]
Despite the fact that my yt channel was deleted without any explanations a couple of years ago and yes i run into shadow ban issue on tik-tok, when suddenly all your >200 people auditory just stop leaving comments, drop any activities for a week or so and view counters are showing zero i just don’t think that discussed thing is so important in the end of the day.
It’s been a while since i’ve posted any music. So here is a new gem from my favorite UK band: Ozric Tentacles. ENJOY!
OZRIC TENTACLES ▀ DEEP BLUE SHAPE spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2024-06-26 VirtualBox 7 can be [freely used on Windows 7]
For virtual emulation in most cases i use VMWare Workstation 15.5.7 dated back to 2020, which works awesomely fine. Recently i run into VirtualBox on my primary job and have to run Linux Debian on Windows 7 Enterprise.
As per official Oracle documentation all [6.x VirtualBox releases]
are compatible with Windows 7. Unfortunately it is not so true.
Surfing through meaningless tier lists on YT dedicated to various Unix graphical user interfaces by home-made experts without even showing them in a proper way and doin’ subjective ratings, i’ve stumbled upon on “obsolete” [CDE]
environment and was interested in it’s 90’ish looks, despite the fact that “expert” narrated that it is in a “yuck” category and not worth even touching.
After jogging through comments i’ve noticed that some wise man mentioned about modern reincarnation of CDE project named [nsCDE]
UPDATED ON: 2023-12-17
CURRENTLY TEST IS NOT OPTIMIZED FOR MOBILE VIEW! IMAGE WIDTH >1600px IS RECOMMENDED! ▒ DIRECT COMPARISON In the very beginning of the test I underline the fact that we are comparing only resolution and not the dynamic range. In this category older FSI sensor is an outsider, for sure. Today’s rival is [IPHUCK 15 PRO MAX]
with almost the same sensor size as Nokia. As you may already know Nokia PureView 808 comes with 1/1.
A couple of weeks ago i run into problem related to out-of sync time clock. Tried almost all imaginable solutions, like time service restarting, checking that internet time-sync option is turned on and so on and so forth. Of course to no avail at all. How typical! My Windows 7 installation dates back to early 2019 and i’ve plethora of software installed, and more over system is heavily customized so plain reinstall of operating system is not an option in my case.
UPDATED ON: 2024-09-05
I’m currently on Firefox 115 ESR and not using chrome at all, but this is neat news for sure. So, in addition to [Supermium]
chrome fork, we have official version also.
This is a work of Russian hackers.
Preface words from original Github page [English spelling is original]:
Dirty corporations and Hindu-managers are trying to deprive the any users of all the benefits that were created by technically more advanced people than them.
As you may know [Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact]
is my main web surfing phone on the go. I’m fully satisfied with it’s capabilities even in 2023. Except one little problem, related to GPS and speed of satellites detection.
Issue showed up couple of months ago and it seems that i finally found an easy way to fix it. After some investigations i conclude that device has a hardware based problem, and to eliminate it completely you need to open phone casing and pull up antenna so it will have tighter surface touching with in-case metallic plate.
To fully enjoy site in terms of ergonomics make sure to set your browser zoom from 100 to 120%. In such case fonts will match view-port of development machine. Here i’m talking about Linux, windows 10/11 machines [however i highly doubt that win10/11 users will be interested in this website]. For example in Manjaro and EndeavourOS you have to set zoom scale to 120% to surf website comfortably.
Reporting so because website was developed in Windows 7 environment under which all web browsers have a bug to display 100% scale only when 80% zoom is set.
New form of retro art is here. Enjoy peacefull upgrading with chill backdrop music. Brought to you by [NTDEV]
YT channel.
Updating Windows Vista to Service Pack 2+ with ESU updates from Windows Server 2008 R2 spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Say you would like to extend life cycle of your hardware power button and want to turn off/restart your device without touching mechanics. Unfortunately most of smartphones don’t offer such functionality out of the box. However there is an easy way to make things rollin'.
Problem can be solved by installing [Power Menu]
, very small application. It is a simple tool which just works, do expected thing and moreover contains no bloat at all.
Recently i had [some frustrations]
with Manjaro Linux. Most notable for me were:
not so good compatibility with Windows 7 [dual booting is working, but after Manjaro updated, Windows 7 stopped working for some reason]. some problems with Nvidia drivers strange power management system not properly working keyboard backlit on Dell laptop So, i went to [DistroWatch]
and instantly noticed [EndeavourOS]
, which was already among popular distributions and rapidly climbing to the top.
Right after installing [Manjaro Linux]
i run into weird issue. Most of needed applications like Firefox and Thunderbird take around 10 seconds or so just to startup.
Such behavior on NVME drive is unacceptable at all. Problem was in a serious [bug in gnome desktop]
, despite the fact that i’m running XFCE desk.
Workaround for GTK-based desktops is to run following commmands in terminal:
sudo pacman -Rdd xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
sudo pacman -S xdg-desktop-portal-gtk spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Recently, I’ve decided to install Linux for web development to make sure that i’m not missing something in terms of modern features and technologies. I chose [Manjaro]
with [XFCE]
However, all multimedia works are staying on Windows 7. I still can’t find proper replacement for Vegas Pro and many other tools i use in my daily workflow. [Modern web is working]
, [security is updated]
, so i don’t see any reason to ditch it in favor of something more fancy.
UPDATED ON: 2024-04-05
Here is a small list of mandatory keystrokes, which significantly speed up working process!
NOTE! ++[KEY] ► means that you must release previously pressed keys upon pressing it
[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[N] ► new editor instance
[CTRL]+[K]+[CTRL]+[O] ► open folder
[CTRL]+[K]++[F] ► close folder
[ALT]+[L]+[ALT]+[O] ► open in browser
[CTRL]+[W] ► close current tab
[CTRL]+[K]++[W] ► close all tabs
[ALT]+[1]/[2]/[3] ► fast-switch to diffrenet tabs
[CTRL]+[1]/[2] ► fast-switch between panels
UPDATED ON: 2023-09-20 Version: 0.5
Considered Renoise version is 3.4.x.
Just a small collection of important things to remember. Will be nice if stash come in handy to someone.
▒ GENERAL SETTINGS [-] GUI effects and animation [+] More compatible GFX updates [48] Limit frame rate [-] View multiple patterns continuously [+] Single click to create new points [hold Shift to select] [-8dB] Track headroom
UPDATED ON: 2024-11-28
Fastest Windows 7 laptops are still on the edge. Dell & Lenovo have made some enhancements to address recent security vulnerabilities.
[Dell Precision 7520]
► Firmware version 1.38 [November 2024] [direct link] [Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen5]
► Firmware version 1.63 [September 2024] [direct link] Nice to see that such older platforms are still maintained.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-09-20
List of shortcuts, which i frequently use in my work-flow. Text version for offline surfing can be grabbed [here]
. Official list of shortcuts can be found [on Renoise site]
▒ MODIFICATORS [SHIFT] ► track [ALT] ► block [selection] [CTRL]+[SHIFT] ► column [ALT]+[SHIFT] ► group [CTRL] ► pattern
▒ GENERAL [ALT]+[ENTER] ► toggle real fullscreen [CTRL]+[N] ► new song [CTRL]+[S] ► save song [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[S] ► save track as [CTRL]+[O] ► open song [CTRL]+[,] ► open preferences
UPDATED ON: 2023-08-24
This is a short clipping from [Complete tweaking guide for Windows 7]
First of all you need to terminate autorun feature for housewives to limit auto-start of unwanted applications and viruses. I prefer fully manual control what’s starting and what is not.
To complete this tuning like a boss do the following on all external flash devices you have.
Format your Flash/HDD storage using NTFS file system Take a note that modern smartphones can’t read such storage devices.
Information confirmed by [author]
of [hacked modern USB3 AMD drivers]
Please, take a note, that: ASRock boards is not compatible at all, due to removed proper CSM module in latest BIOS revisions. Asus mobos are acceptable, but have some issues here and there. Gigabyte is just ok. So, consider MSI to get yourself out of unneeded troubles.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-08-19
For those of you who are hunger for more classical tracker music and you are not completely satisfied with my [ultimate tracker mod collection]
here is a link to a [marvelous catalog]
of chiptune and demoscene gems. Design matches aesthetics of early 90s and pleasing to eye.
Resource is kindly provided by [Matt]
Oh, and here is a massive breakdown of tracker music resources i’ve stashed for you:
UPDATED ON: 2023-09-06 Some new parameters were added.
Note that by default all [Nightly versions]
of Firefox are sending back telemetry to third-parties in extensive manner. So, to disable such malicious actions besides turning off telemetry settings via standard GUI options:
about:preferences#privacy You’ll need to use good old:
about:config To change to:
FALSE …or create following parameters in software registry:
toolkit.telemetry.reportingpolicy.firstRun toolkit.
I often get asked regarding Windows 7 safety especially in 2023.
"Is it safe to use such old operating system?" "What about security?" "How about modern viruses?"
.... …. and many other similar questions.
Funny thing that people who are asking about security don’t give a damn about privacy. Yeah, that’s quite different definitions for sure, but from my point of view they always come together hand in hand.
The main and the most important security police officer is your head.