Back in a day when torrents were in a non-existing state there was amazing p2p software called Emule. Some vintage computer geeks prefer Emule over torrents even today. Most of users are located in European countries like France, Italy, Spain.
Rather unusual software for 2022, but i concur that application can be helpful in retrievement of rare and obsure stuff, which can’t be found anywhere else.
Note that official download page is not updated anymore and latest 2021 version can be acquired from [community forum]
or Githhub page
[Russian demoscener]
is well known for quality classic games OST covers.
ROBOCOP III TITLE TERMINATOR II OST ROBOCOP III OST spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Lightning fast text two-panel orthodox file manager with loads of functionality. These blue panels take very special place in my heart. Maybe because i’m using software right from the mid 90s. Still under active development. 64-bit version is preffered.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2022-04-03
Modern version of classic Diablo II with fully revamped graphics. [Official system requirements]
doesn’t mention mighty Windows 7. To my surprise I was able to run game on Windows 7 x64 ESU without any problems. If some of you experiencing difficulties in launching game just grab hacked DirectX 12 libs and place them into the root of game folder. [DOWNLOAD DIRECTX 12 FILE PACK]
Here is [Phantasmagoria]
outro soundtrack from horrifying quest of my faraway childhood.
MARK SEIBERT ▀ TAKE A STAND [END CREDITS THEME] spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
If you are interested in vintage computers like Amiga, Commodore, Atari and would like to learn classic technical English i advice you Dan Wood unambiguously.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Just would like to showcase piece of brilliant mechanical keyboard of the past. Chyrosran22 one of the coolest YT mechanical keyboards reviewers counts it as the [best mechanical keyboard experience ever]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Not long ago i’ve told about [Diablo I modification]
. Now it is time for something not so vintage. Diablo II to be precise.
As you may know even the latest expansion set Lord of Destruction didn’t brought screen resolutions greater than 800x600. And when you play it on a 30" inch screen monitor with width resolution of 2560 pixels it looks kinda blurry. There are couple of patches, which brought higher resolutions, but unluckily all of them don’t work with latest version of game: 1.
Of course you can buy an excellent hard rock by [The Gone Jackals]
. But if you are huntin’ for original in-game tunes and hunger to have them as MP3 files you’ve come to right place. Soundtrack is simply stunning. But there are no separate music files which embedded into main data file. It can’t be open via standard 7-Zip. We are in luck coz we have excellent ultility to extract music from some classic quests based upon Moai and Buddha engines.
UPDATED ON: 2022-03-16
Recently i’ve stumbled upon very neat modification, which is based around [Hellfire]
[another Diablo I expansion set]. It is supported by a small amount of enthusiasts, forging game internals right from 2007 till current 2022.
Feature set:
Very high replayability Revamped character classes, with additional sub-classes Extended perks and traits system New game mechanics and craft system New weapon sets New music High resolution support Convenient comparison tools Auto money picker Custom settings Multiple game difficulties And much more… Some real life experience.
Never liked musical cartoons, but this one
got me pretty badly. Watched it twice in a row. Genie is the best. OFFICIAL TRAILER
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Finally, I’ve managed to finish my retro DOS/Windows 98 build machine based on powerul Athlon. By finish i mean assemble parts on the table without any case. Why no case? Answer is simple: i’m lazy. And it is more convenient to me to keep it as open testbed for weirdo experiments of my own.
Collecting items took almost four months to accomplish this project. Puter consists of multitude parts, which were acquired around the globe.
[Chip & Dale]
is a nice Disney cartoon for the most young viewers. …and maybe even for older ones, who are tired of modern cartoon abominations.
ORIGINAL INTRO METAL COVER BY DARKMAN007 spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Simple repost of an excellent YT review on my current trusty websurfer ► [Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
In [one of the first posts]
I’ve promised to do a quick overview of this awesome laptop. So here it is!
FRONT VIEW I/O SYSTEM KEYBOARD UPCLOSE SIDE PORTS CLOSED LID COMPAQ LOGO I like the overall aesthetics and design of the casing. Computer easily handles any DOS software. Keyboard is nice too, like tactile feel of it. My copy has a wobbly keyboard on the left side, but this due to it’s age of course.
It will be prohibited not to mention about Streets of Rage II ► favourite beat’em’up of my childhood. First three parts are classical arcade machine stuff, they pretty similar to each other. Last one is a fan-made project with new graphics and design. STREETS OF RAGE II STREETS OF RAGE IV EVOLUTION OF STREETS OF RAGE 1991-2021 spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2022-02-18
CURRENTLY TEST IS NOT OPTIMIZED FOR MOBILE VIEW! IMAGE WIDTH >1600px IS RECOMMENDED! ▒ DIRECT COMPARISON In the very beginning of the test I underline the fact that we are comparing only resolution and not the dynamic range. In this category older FSI sensor is an outsider, for sure. Today’s rival is [IPHUCK 13 PRO HYPER MAX]
with unknown sensor, even GSMarena don’t know actual size of it [after [some research]
i find out that it is somewhere around 1/1.
While STALKER 2 announced to be delayed, [again]
. It looks like that we have plenty of time to do one more run to an excellent [OGSR modification]
of original [STALKER]
Classic post-apocalyptic survival-horor shooter with RPG elements. Original game was know for huge amount of bugs and glitches, so I recommend you to play-through OGSR mod, which fixes tons of bugs, adds new quests to main story-line, new weaponry, changes balance and adds convenience features.
UPDATED ON: 2023-08-05 v0.19.2 ia a last version to run on Windows 7/8.1, but it is not working anymore due to recent YT changes Reasons not to use original YT site and native android clients: Wild censorship and tracking of personal data The most pathetic roayalties to platform contributors Unwilling to listen to contributor community [problem of all big corps] [In previous post]
i’ve mentioned about brilliant Android YT client: NewPipe.
[Aki Kaurismaki]
is Finnish film director who makes minimalistic’n’ambientish movies about life of plain folks. Some people describe Aki’s films like «depressive», but I’m not agree on such superficial conclusion. I consider his art as a very neat backdrop for inner thinking and self-analysis.
Most of the characters are quite silent, but despite that fact their feelings are 100% understandable without any words. I think that Aki’s movies represent the brief essence of entire life and they teach us about many aspects of life.
I always feel very special regarding Nertherlands acid hardcore of early 90s. One of my favorite peices so far.
BONUS PART: Now 303 freaks can do [acid patterns on line]
. Created by Vitling, source code available [@github]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Take a note that ugly g 3-4 times a year changing YT API to make artificial difficulties to third-party clients like NewPipe, [FreeTube]
, FireTube. So don’t forget to update programs regularly.
I’m almost sure that you already know about excellent Android YT client [NewPipe]
. It is praised for it’s lightness, speed and freedom from YT closed source API. As you may know that in recent pursuit for profit google increased ads quantities and methods of it’s delivery.
One of the [coolest cartoons]
of my childhood. Some neat voice-overs and covers of the original soundtrack.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Previously i was adept of japanese keyboard [Topre RealForce RGB]
. Device relies on high-end rubber-dome capacitive key switches, which distinguish Realforce from generic rubber-dome keyboards. Solid construction is also included. However double shot ABS keycaps were not so durable in the long run of almost two years of heavy typing.
So, i’ve decided to switch to something more reliable and compact. My search brought me to [Vortex Race III RGB]