Looking back to previous couple of years and taking into perspective generic non-computer life it is quite amazing what people are capable of. I’m talking about amount of rave and chaotic mess they can produce. Artificial difficulties, overcomplicated situations, meaningless and moronic wars, you name it.
Taking into account above mentioned things it’s really easy to handle such “problem” as running Windows 7 in modern age. Despite the fact that there are plenty of people around who are mumbling about Windows 7 obsolescense and bla-bla-bla.
UPDATED ON: 2023-08-23
Despite [previous statement]
regarding Windows 7 EOL status after version 115 current nightly alpha binary [v117] works just fine. Installer threw generic mambo-jambo that program can’t work in Windows 7 environment and then artificially blocks installation. How generic & dumb. Workaround is just unzip exe-package with [7-zip]
and execute browser from unpacked Core folder.
FIREFOX 117 ABOUT WINDOW Right after installation software immediately begins to whine about inability to update.
My claims to previously owned cables were excessive fragility and the fact that they are prone to physical damage too much. Although that i’m using my hardware with care, wire breakage happens quite often. So i decided to go a bit overkill in terms of elimination of this nasty problem.
[Dunu Hulk Pro]
is a confirmation of my words. It’s a top of the line copper-based wire of Dunu branding.
UPDATED ON: 2023-04-06
After a year of extensive testing i find out that [Shanling M6]
has some flaws, which won’t fit my requirements. It is an excellent 2-way DAC DAP in terms of sound quality. All my claims have purely ergonomic nature: Dim display, big form factor [at least from my point of view], weak battery life.
These factors forced me to look at [Ibasso DX240]
player. Player has single-way desktop grade 32bit/768Khz/DSD512 enabled DAC [ES9038Pro]
[pdf specs], very serious elements banding, nice bright Sharp screen and big battery.
One of my readers asked me why i’m not doing long posts. Answer is pretty trivial. I don’t have much time for writing longer articles. That is why i’m sticking to concept of really short blips, almost like tweets, but a bit longer.
Bright side of such aspect is that i’m diving straight to the facts, without any unneeded mambo-jambo.
For some reason we all in a hurry now, right? Think that blips disposition is quite effective though.
UPDATED ON: 2023-03-10 ► Thanks goes out to Jean Lebon for suggesting [service to fix broken links]
Super fast information on website. Please don’t hesitate to report broken links, because i already can’t handle correctness of site pages, due to enormous site growth. Website hosts around 1Mb of pure text. A little more and i’ll surpass [Fallout 1]
text quantity. Currently all textual information can be saved on a single [3.
Observing [february Windows updates]
@ Ghacks we can clearly see that Windows Server 2008 R2 is still maintained.
…author of [Simplix updater]
reported that POS ESU updates will be back-ported to non-server Windows 7 distribution and included in his monthly patcher. So, future usage of Windows 7 is 100% safeguarded. Stay sharp for more “obsolete” Windows 7 news!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2025-02-17
Mull project is dead and superseded by [IronFox]
It looks like that i found replacement for [Fenec F-Droid]
browser, for real. I’m not completely satisfied with not fully removed telemetry, shady stubs and other fishy things presented by Fennec. That is why i begin to investigate the problem and discovered [Mull browser]
. Main features of it:
DOESN’T DIAL BACK NEITHER TO GOOGLE NOR TO MOZILLA [and that’s a complete steal] based around hardened version of user.
Recently i’ve switched to newer version of Vegas Pro. Tweeeenty to be precise. I’m using Vegas for basic montage of my tracker music clips for [Tik-Tok channel]
. Despite the fact that eighteeeen is surely a nice number i decided to move on and be a hip.
To my surprise transition goes so well that i didn’t noticed that i’m using new release. Right after execution Vegas 20 outputs window with [Windows 7 EOL warning], with something like this:
Without further ado, straight to the facts:
last version with sane amount of system services, which can’t be turned off absence of [neural networks API]
, which is used for telemetry, collection/profiling user data with subsequent uploading collected information to third-parties [for the first time technology was introduced in Android 8.1] full support of any modern browser [even Android 6.0 can handle this] ability to load legacy Android 2.x applications without any issues [Android 14 is already blocking such apps] I care about older stuff simply because of code quality.
UPDATED ON: 2023-02-08
As you may already know that [Unlisted Slacker]
provides the most comprehensive news regarding ageless Windows 7. Because i’m using it as my main system and simply care about. That is why don’t put like, don’t subscribe, [don’t watch embedded shite-ads!]
OK, YOU'VE GOT ME! THIS WAS PROPER OLDSCHOOL TEXT-BASED AD OF MYSELF. Some articles ago i’m [already mentioned]
about possible updates right till 2026. German enthusiasts [discovered stubs]
for feasible future upgrades.
Reader, please take a note, that sometimes it is worth to check previous postings back regarding updates. I often revisit things of the past to add more preciseness to the site, so be aware.
If post was refreshed you’ll see following mark in the header of the article:
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-02-16 Added super useful [interactive learning course]
Vim is for sure a discovery of the day. It is a [very fast text editor]
and will be helpful not only for coders, but can be useful for people who is working with insane amounts of text information. Software is 100% keyboard oriented. It’s based around original Unix text editor [Vi]
, which was released back in 1976.
VIM 9.
Just trying to get a grip on reality a bit longer.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Most of you already know how AMD substitute in terms of cores/threads count intel’s pathetic’n’degenerative CPU evolution into revolution. Drastic changes were brought by [Ryzen]
CPUs in consumer market in late 2017. [Threadripper]
and [Epyc]
lines were introduced later on [for workstation and server market respectively].
► [128 core / 256 thread Epyc Bergamo CPU]
It would be nice to see 256 threads in Windows 7 task manager, but i don’t think that it is possible due to lack of drivers.
▒ BRIEF REASONS TO CONSIDER Very neat phone dialer & sms messenger [device supports 3.5G] High quality audio chip High quality stereo audio recording 3.5mm audio jack Detachable battery pack Solid construction Ergonomically cool due to 4" form factor and unusual shape with camera bump No data mining and user tracking due to obsolescence of Symbian ▒ BRIEF PHOTO ARGUMENTS Awesome resolution and detail Unparallel pixel-wise quality Real glass in lens elements is present [not just plastic sh#te like in modern “flagships” [xiaomi 12s ultra]
No pubertal compute stuff Xenon flash Very well designed camera application Incredible JPG-engine, which easily competes with modern RAW in terms of provided detail Enthusiast mod, which increase resolution to real 41.
First of all it is bad for health. Secondly, it cuts the way to alternative thinking. Thirdly, they broadcast shite. And last [but not least], because i said so.
Moreover i’d recommend to sell TV OR THROW IT AWAY IN A WINDOW.
Who needs that crap? You really want to watch?
* loads of ads
* propaganda
* brainwashing
* completely distant from real life "news"
UPDATED ON: 2023-02-20
Quick note of imaginary small-sized phone for a computer geek. Chance of real life appearance is pretty close to zero, especially considering current drumb trends and marketers domination over common sense.
PART HARDWARE CPU Octa-core 1nm or better RAM 8Gb RAM or better STORAGE 256Gb UFS 3.1 + SD card up to 2Tb DISPLAY 4.4" 1920x1200 OLED CAMERA 1" sensor 40Mp or better, no h/w denoiser/enhancer AUDIO 24bit/384kHz, 3.
Considering the fact that world is going completly mad the most important features for smartphone will be reability, long running time and neat network reception. In such scenario [Sonim XP8]
is a perfect phone because it has interchangable battery, strong millitary protection and it is almost indestructible. Device is based around [Android 8.1]
, so telemetry is minimal, but nerual networks is already there [in their rudimentary state]. So rooting phone and installing [neat ip-tables firewall]
and [root-based hosts adblocker]
will solve problem like there was no any.
Well known Chinese driver modder [Canonkong]
confirmed that [64-cores/128-threads Threadripper 3995WX]
based upon sWRX8 chipset works flawlessly in Windows 7 environment. Considering the news it looks like that more recent [5995WX]
will also work without any issues. So, we have plenty of headroom in terms of system performance. As for me, i have no need to switch to “recent operating systems” like Windows 10/11.
Here is brief [confirmation]
from the WinRaid forum:
1. Never ever ask a question when you know that answer is going to be a complete lie [some people are always lying or how they think "holding smth not important back"] 2. For most cases it is pretty safe to talk frankly with people, because they are not really listening or simply don't care much about 3. Be yourself [kinda trite expression, but generally works for me] spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
I suppose that most of you already know what iphone is, but anyways here is some really quick breakdown of the most atrocious features of overhyped phone ever:
[Big Bang Theory]
shows how to do comedy in a proper way. Excellent sitcom. Story line holds up pretty well. Overall scenario and actor cues are just brilliant. Sense of humor is universal with glimpses of geek related stuff.
Main disadvantage is permanent backdrop laugh. I wonder is there any chance to get version without “wonderful” pointer when to laugh and when not? One more downside that I’ve noticed: complete absence of music.
Stop using mainstream operating systems like Windows 11/10/8.1, modern Linux, like Ubuntu or modern MacOS versions. On mobile Android 14/13/12/11/10/9/8.1 are prohibited because they use neural networks to profile your device and dial back to “home” to dump your personal data and preferences. iOS from very beginning was very phony platform.
My personal choices are Windows 7 for desktop and Android 8.0 for mobile. These two cover my digital needs fully, no restrictions whatsoever.
As you already know i fed up using [modern Ryzen/Radeon hardware]
and decided to go a bit retro. Cheap Chinese clone mobos and second-hand high-performance cpu’s of previous generations induced me to rebuild my workstation and also fool around with Opteron-based server.
Here is [very detailed spreadsheet comparision]
of almost all available Chinese x79/x89/x99 boards on the market.
Just watched 9.5 out of 11 episodes of this [zombie soap opera]
. Oh, my! What a waste! Lil’ breakdown of main key features:
interesting story-line at the beginning, but rapidly degrading into repeating marasmic rave [end of episode 8 is a peak of delirium] frequent meaningless dialogs diluted by zombie cameos low quality acting is a frequent thing also [hi goes out to captain Karl, boy with dumb sheriff hat permanently glued directly to his head, later on was replaced by little girl with the same hat] after disappearance of Rick [main character], series completely lost meaning of existence Highly encourage you not to repeat my mistake and do something useful instead of wasting time on this “masterpiece”!