[The most immersive movie about submarines to date]
And of course U96 techno track inspired by this fantastic movie ….
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Authoritative member of Win-Raid community [Canonkong]
confirmed that x570s chipset is fully operational under Windows 7. In terms of overall compatibility he recommends MSI boards. Please note that [Asrock motherboards are not compatible with Windows 7]
anymore because of notable BIOS changes. You’ll encounter A5/7E BSOD screens on random basis. The most distinctive feature of x570s chipset compared to x570 is absence of active cooling. Also it will support upcoming [Ryzen 5950XT]
CPU with larger 192Mb L3 v-cache.
that was way better than pop Matrix, and reached almost the same level of [Nirvana]
Especially i like scene when Reeves apply storage doubler to his brain from 80 gb to 160 gb. It makes me smile today.
DATA UPLOAD ENTERING CYBERSPACE spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
The best remix ever. More of that I find it even better than original. This is 1993, but sounds SO FRESH even nowadays! Easily demonstrates excellence of pop rave of 90s! HADDAWAY – LIFE [MISSION CONTROL REMIX] spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Crew which was always ahead of the time in terms of groove quality and variety of musical progressions. Some fav songs in yer face:
In [previous post]
I said that there is a problem with quality black humor comedies. Here you go, a good one. [Norwegian thriller]
with element of black humor, which blow my mind away. Don’t want to describe anything, just watch it!
In terms of humor movie has some similarities with [Riders of Justice]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
One of the funniest “recent” American horror-comedy. In terms of humor quality it is almost on the same level with [Evil Dead]
, but aesthetics is more neat in [Sam Raimi]
franchise. 2010 IS RECENT? ARE YOU NUTS? Yeah, almost no quality black humor trash till today. The wood chipper moment is for sure is the most expressive culmination of in movie humor. SO, ENJOY!
Scene with a cop should be awarded with prize for terrific acting!
I’ve decided to make a quick overview while my trusty Nokia 808 is in service. So I have some time to use Nokia E72 as my main GSM ringer.
What can I say about Nokia? Yeaaah, this is Nokia. I’m talking about original one, not about HMD concern of China, which make cheap android-based phones and awful camera-phones like [Nokia PureView 9]
Speaking of [Nokia E72]
, it is a premium business smartphone of mid 2000s era.
Looking at tiktok I could definitely say that we finally reached [that level of stupidity]
. Thanks to Judge for 100% correct future prediction and of course for such a movie-gem! I could even suggest tiktok to shorten clips length to 5 seconds. Pretty sure that it will be sufficient for children of the gen Z.
TELEVISION OF THE FUTURE DR LEXUS For more Mike’s cool stuff you can check solid [Office Space]
and brilliant [Beavis & Butt-Head]
You don’t know what is [KLF]
? You better be joking, coz [you have to know]
. Their work cover plethora of music styles. KLF influenced music evolution a lot. Such artistic quality is unreachable for genZ crews.
##Pop The KLF - Last Train To Trancentral [Live From The Lost Continent][Official Video] ##Alternative The KLF - The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu vs. Extreme Noise Terror - 3AM Eternal [From The Black Room] ##Ambient The KLF - The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu - Come Down Dawn [Full Chapter] ##Trance The KLF - Kylie Said To Jason “KYLIE SAID TRANCE” spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2022-02-28
Another [quality game]
from my childhood. This time, turn-based tactical combat. It’s addictive game-play coupled with stunning atmosphere make it so great. Emotive Adlib FM music bring up even more intrigue to classy style of this masterpiece.
Some gameplay videos for deeper immersion.
Heavily inspired by original one, not those orchestral epic crap.
Also you should definitely check [open-source remake]
of the original game.
Insanely underrated Korean art-house cartoon [Aachi & Ssipak]
YOU: And what about OST? ME: YES. Ok-Ok!. It’s dope. My favorite one is credits music theme. And, yeah, two versions of it right here. Enjoy!
아치 & 씨팍 양아치 Ver. ► Master P.G Version 아치 & 씨팍 (Backstreet Ver.) ► MC K Version In case you are interested in the rest soundtrack here is a complete playlist on YT
UPDATED ON: 2023-02-20 I recommend to replace Fennec F-Droid with [Mull Browser]
due to the fact that is COMPLETELY free from telemetry. In contrast to Fennec Mull browser do not trigger any mozilla or google connections, so take a note. And for God’s sake do not use plain Firefox, it is almost like chrome now!
As my main web surfer IceCat begin to showing it’s age and don’t have any new versions apart from “super-new” 68.
[Excellent comedy]
from creator of [Beavis & Butt-Head]
. When shitty KPI was just introduced. When screens were small and mice were big. When computer hardware had quality casings. For all of you, office workers!
Personal fuck-offs goes out to mama’s-boy heads, efficiency unit managers and other dumb-heads.
And yeah, you don’t have to sub, put like or sh#t like this.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-02-12 ► Added info on 2.93.15 LTS & 3.0 Final Make sure to check [newer post]
regarding refreshed information about modern Blender and Windows 7 compatibility
As we all know that last official Blender build to support Windows 7 is 2.92. Next version requires Python 3.9.x, which is not an option for Windows 7. However, there is a possibility to run new 2.93 version via [DLL HACK]
, which could be applied even to the newest 2.
British, [almost documentary movie about rave culture of 90s]
reminds me of my own youth. Quite talented picture for sure.
DJ Koop always puts me on the right rails.
I used to pretend the same thing Koop’s scratching The most raddest scene of the film: Koop’s Jungle record store spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Relaxed melancholic composition delivered by very interesting [retro hardware yt-vlogger]
And his [personal page]
in case you want to know.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
My favorite game of all times. Thanks to it I’ve learn English [to some kind of degree] and even was almost expelled from university. What a neat memories. I was totally obsessed with deep “in game” atmosphere. Cyberpunk post-apocalyptic stuff, you know what I’m saying and those incredible ambient from master [Mark Morgan]
. Can firmly confirm that modern series of this franchise don’t provide such immersion. As for backdrop music, Mark Morgan in Fallout ½ set quality bar to unreachable level.
The roots of bench-marking tools come from [Demoscene]
The most quality products were crafted by Finnish and Russian coders.
Here is a little breakdown of most notable benchmarks just for your convenience.
Three the most glorious moments of the whole [comedy]
. Especially i like how Marv is doing cool break dance. Always splitting my sides with laughter.
One of my favorite cartoons ever.
The reality is like: current gen Z is even dumber than B’n’B.
Who would have thought that such thing could turn out like this?
Some time ago I have compiled the best moments of this awesome cartoon. Hosted on Brighteon
video service. Following content belong to Mike Judge.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Probably one of the best pure 100% ambient albums in human history.
Well-crafted multi-layered textures deeply stimulate ear channels and bring your consciousness to the outer limits of our existence.
Effect of presence is unparalleled. You do not even need motion video footage to feel the third dimension. More than good earphones are highly recommended. Low-quality audio sample can be found on YT.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Quick breakdown of the most powerful AMD-based cards for legacy operating systems.
[X850XT PE]
► WINDOWS 98 [official drivers]
/ Omega drivers
] [HD 3870 X 2]
► WINDOWS 2000 [official drivers]
plus some INF tinkering, will review that one later on [HD 5970]
► WINDOWS 2000 [Blackwingcat hacks]
[R9 270X]
► WINDOWS XP [official drivers]
► WINDOWS 7 [official drivers]
◄ currently rocking on that one under Windows 7 wing.
In early 90s, during days of light-hearted childhood, I used to own [Gravis Ultrasound Max]
► cool wave-table based audio card. Pretty strong rival to [Sound Blaster from Creative Labs]
. Card held nice instruments in its RAM and was gooood at playing Midi files. Signal-to-noise ratio was better than in Sound Blaster, but card struggle to compete with [Pro Audio Spectrum 16]
It’s a pity that I don’t own card anymore and that is why can’t do quality pictures of it.
Do we really need expensive Sennheiser? In youth dates, I was fond of exploiting expensive audio technics.As for earphones, my favorite brand was Bayerdynamic.
However, some time ago I have discovered relatively inexpensive headphones from Chinese brand [Fiio]
. As a listener of wide gamut of music like ambient, trance, dub, psybient, jazz, metal: I have to say that this headphones provide totally unexpected level of audio quality. Especially if we’ll consider the price.
I think that people are sicking tired of cheap computer graphics. Everything is so plastic and unnaturally glossy these days. Miss those real video effects from early 90s. And yeah, they were so atmospheric, especially amplified effect of beam light coming out of backdrop. Evil Dead is very neat example, just look at these pieces. Make sure to watch S-Mart scene!
Evil Dead I Ending Scene Evil Dead ][ Cabin Run Evil Dead ][ Ending Scene Evil Dead ]I[ S-Mart End BLOG UPDATE ► full theme refactoring, made it more 90’ish, RGB and stuff, you know what i’m saying, fixed some issues
The Hackers [1995] - I hope you don't screw like you type.
- It has a killer refresh rate.
- P6 chip. Triple the speed of the Pentium.
- It's not just the chip. It has a PCI bus.
- But... you knew that. Another qoute, which i remembered for life.
- It's got a 28.8 bps modem.
- Yeah? Display? - Active matrix.
- A million psychedelic colours. spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Moss: What kind of operating system does it use? Bomb guy: Vista!
Moss to Roy: We are going to die! Actually, Vista was not so bad after all these service packs. However, in golden release it was really awful: problems with USB speeds, GUI performance issues and so on.
As for looks, I like it soooo much and even [transformed my Windows 7]
into Windows Vista. Will post a note regarding this transformation in a while.