It’s been a while since i’ve posted useless table comparisions. So here is one! Recently i bought second-hand Dell Precision 7520 in very good condition. Purchased it as an emergency backup for future use. Neat laptops will be hard to find in my country due to tech sanctions.
7510 model is based around Sky Lake architecture [E3-1545Mv5]
. 7520 model is based around Kaby Lake architecture [E3-1535Mv6]
. Differences between E3-1545Mv5 and E3-1535Mv6 are marginal, but they exist.
Well known Chinese driver modder [Canonkong]
confirmed that [64-cores/128-threads Threadripper 3995WX]
based upon sWRX8 chipset works flawlessly in Windows 7 environment. Considering the news it looks like that more recent [5995WX]
will also work without any issues. So, we have plenty of headroom in terms of system performance. As for me, i have no need to switch to “recent operating systems” like Windows 10/11.
Here is brief [confirmation]
from the WinRaid forum:
I suppose that most of you already know what iphone is, but anyways here is some really quick breakdown of the most atrocious features of overhyped phone ever:
As you already know i fed up using [modern Ryzen/Radeon hardware]
and decided to go a bit retro. Cheap Chinese clone mobos and second-hand high-performance cpu’s of previous generations induced me to rebuild my workstation and also fool around with Opteron-based server.
Here is [very detailed spreadsheet comparision]
of almost all available Chinese x79/x89/x99 boards on the market.
UPDATED ON: 2022-08-13
▒ PREFACE WORDS As you remember, my [previous daily driver was Ryzen 9590x 16c/32t]
. After some fun with it I’ve decided to drop it in favor to retro stuff.
Intel Xeon CPU based around Broadwell tech: [E5-2696v4 22c/44t]
became the chip of the choice. It is OEM version of top of the line [Xeon E5-2699v4]
. It is a bit slower, around marginal 3-4%, but costs significantly less than 2699v4.
[GeForce 1650Ti]
is the fastest passively cooled GPU avaialable on market. It was made by Palit company and carries KalmX branding. Recently, i finished my Blender investigations and that is why i don’t need [Radeon 6900xt]
power anymore. So, i decided to switch to something without fan with decent performance. KalmX design solely relies on massive radiator.
Despite the fact that device doesn’t have any fans it provides pretty good performance.
Non-prepaid vintage hardware reviewer based in UK. Streaming not only about retro tech, but adds some life experience touch. Likes freedom speech and don’t contact much with corrupted government “authorities”.
[HT610 SITE]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Some time ago i told you about awesome [Vortex Race III]
keyboard. During the last month of my workflows i’ve noticed that desperately feel the lack of numpad and other extended keys, which are common for full sized keyboards. After not so long thinking i’ve decided to switch keyboard.
Yesterday i’ve received full-sized, but still compact [Vortex TAB90M]
keyboard, based around the same Cherry Blue MX switches. Build quality is rock solid.
Like leaksters say Radeon 6950XT refresh will bring new 18Gbbs memory sub-system and [8-10% to performance]
. I’ve decided not to involve myself into GPU race and stick with plain 6900XT. It is a performance banger under Windows 7 environment. spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
▒ FPU OPERATIONS COMPARISON Tested with the latest version of AIDA64 v6.60 / Windows 7 x64 ESU.
FPU JULIA FPU SINJULIA FPU MANDEL QUEEN Z-LIB RAY TRACE 32 RAY TRACE 64 AES SHA 3 As you can see blue cpu’s eat dust in terms of FPU performance, but it is worth to note that memory wise we have backwards situation, thanks to shiny new DDR5 memory subsystem, which blue team is already exploiting.
i already wrote about Chinese audio manufacturers and their quality products. Till today i used quad driver FiiO FA7
earphones powered by my trusty cameraphone [Nokia PureView 808]
After some not so long considerations i’ve decided to try out something new with bigger puch and almost randomy selected [Shanling M6]
DAP paired with [FiiO FA9]
6-driver IEMs. I know that using Nokia 808 was quite limiting factor for quad driver earphones like FiiO FA7.
If you are interested in vintage computers like Amiga, Commodore, Atari and would like to learn classic technical English i advice you Dan Wood unambiguously.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Just would like to showcase piece of brilliant mechanical keyboard of the past. Chyrosran22 one of the coolest YT mechanical keyboards reviewers counts it as the [best mechanical keyboard experience ever]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-01-24 After long consideration my interest is lost, due to understanding the fact that 4G module is 100% closed blackbox, which cancels all privacy benefits of the phone in one stroke. It’s a true thing for official version of the phone. On the bright side there is an [unofficial open-source project]
of modem firmware in early alpha. Will report back if something good happens.
I bet some of you are already tired of ugly g monopoly with their telemetric data mining platform os-called operating system.
Finally, I’ve managed to finish my retro DOS/Windows 98 build machine based on powerul Athlon. By finish i mean assemble parts on the table without any case. Why no case? Answer is simple: i’m lazy. And it is more convenient to me to keep it as open testbed for weirdo experiments of my own.
Collecting items took almost four months to accomplish this project. Puter consists of multitude parts, which were acquired around the globe.
A small note on how to make things rollin'.
Default configuration of Keenetic Ultra makes XZ1 Compact to stuck in a loop during authorization process. If you can’t pair your XZ1 to 5Ghz WiFi network just switch router network to channel:
56 And you are good to go. Yeah, simple as that. See you around!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Previous owner of my main laptop installed the most modern intel WiFi chip, [AX200]
to be precise. Unfortunately, chip does not have drivers for beloved Windows 7. Yeah intel dropped support in 2019. So, i have to downgrade wireless card. Found on eBay compatible [Dell WiFi 1820]
: the last one to support Windows 7 operating system.
I always loved Dell’s Precision series for super easy installation of hardware upgrades.
Simple repost of an excellent YT review on my current trusty websurfer ► [Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
In [one of the first posts]
I’ve promised to do a quick overview of this awesome laptop. So here it is!
FRONT VIEW I/O SYSTEM KEYBOARD UPCLOSE SIDE PORTS CLOSED LID COMPAQ LOGO I like the overall aesthetics and design of the casing. Computer easily handles any DOS software. Keyboard is nice too, like tactile feel of it. My copy has a wobbly keyboard on the left side, but this due to it’s age of course.
CURRENTLY TEST IS NOT OPTIMIZED FOR MOBILE VIEW! IMAGE WIDTH >1600px IS RECOMMENDED! ▒ DIRECT COMPARISON In the very beginning of the test I underline the fact that we are comparing only resolution and not the dynamic range. In this category older FSI sensor is an outsider, for sure. Today’s rival is [Samsung S22 Ultra]
with 1/1.33" sensor. A lil’ smaller than mighty Nokia 808, which comes with 1/1.2". Now let’s see how Nokia will hold up in such situation.
UPDATED ON: 2022-02-18
CURRENTLY TEST IS NOT OPTIMIZED FOR MOBILE VIEW! IMAGE WIDTH >1600px IS RECOMMENDED! ▒ DIRECT COMPARISON In the very beginning of the test I underline the fact that we are comparing only resolution and not the dynamic range. In this category older FSI sensor is an outsider, for sure. Today’s rival is [IPHUCK 13 PRO HYPER MAX]
with unknown sensor, even GSMarena don’t know actual size of it [after [some research]
i find out that it is somewhere around 1/1.
▓ DESCRIPTION OF NFT SET Some boomboxness at yer face! Exploring opportunity for another NFT project.
NUMBER OF ITEMS: 5 USED TOOLS: Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, XnView, Wacom
NFT buyer will get high resolution true color jpg files [width: 4800px] and original vector dummy.
Pack will be available for exclusive purchase till 8 August of 2022.
If you are interested in purchasing set as NFT please [drop me a line]
EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES IN SELLING DIGITAL ART OF MY OWN. Topic: vintage gadgets of the past. Tools: Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, XnView, Wacom.
Low quality 64-color png versions could be observed below. NFT buyer will get high resolution true color jpgs [width: 4800px] or even vector files.
GHETTO BLASTER [IN WORKS] If you are interested in purchasing art as NFT please [contact me]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
FAQ ver 0.1b
▓ PREFACE This comprehensive guide will be handy for those of you who can’t figure out why hp printer is not detected by windows using usb connection and for those of you who are asking himself/herself “why do i need to do usb plug to setup device for wireless work?”
hp is notoriously known in terms of really s#cky printer drivers. During all my career of system administrator i’ve constantly ran into driver related problems with hp devices.
Previously i was adept of japanese keyboard [Topre RealForce RGB]
. Device relies on high-end rubber-dome capacitive key switches, which distinguish Realforce from generic rubber-dome keyboards. Solid construction is also included. However double shot ABS keycaps were not so durable in the long run of almost two years of heavy typing.
So, i’ve decided to switch to something more reliable and compact. My search brought me to [Vortex Race III RGB]