This is a second revision of question “Why your blog doesn’t have commentary section?” and “How do you come up with such stupid decision?” First one is [here]
. Once again, i don’t see any convincing point, which forces me to incorporate comments section.
Reasons not to do this:
overwhelming amount of AD spam-robots to fight with overwhelming amount of political/propaganda human flame wars to resolve overwhelming amount of nonsense/emoji commentaries to delete I better spend my spare time on something more useful.
Not long ago [already reviewed]
in the past Firefox forks Icecat
and [Iceweasel]
for some reason went into 404 void due to applied sanctions to Russia.
So, i was forced to find an alternative way and stumbled upon Chinese builds of [Iceweasel]
. Just want to digest this historical fact as a blog post.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Recently []
reported about almost unreal rumour regarding [another 3 years of extended support for Windows 7]
. If news are true, consider this as a gift from above, because i can’t stand windows 10/11 abominations and Linux is just not ready for serious multimedia workstation workloads.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
In previous posts i’ve [already mentioned]
Andrew Saga’s rants about history of music tracking, but i think that provided info are not covering topic fully. So, here is one more excellent video clip, which i dug up on yt recently. Enjoy!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
[GeForce 1650Ti]
is the fastest passively cooled GPU avaialable on market. It was made by Palit company and carries KalmX branding. Recently, i finished my Blender investigations and that is why i don’t need [Radeon 6900xt]
power anymore. So, i decided to switch to something without fan with decent performance. KalmX design solely relies on massive radiator.
Despite the fact that device doesn’t have any fans it provides pretty good performance.
[Brutal Doom]
is an ultra high-quality remaster of [classic DOOM]
vastly improved graphics and sound extremely intense action insane amounts of blood, death animations, dismemberments, headshots, executions, fire and explosion particles, flares countless settings and tweakable parameters and much more [Hi-Q music mod]
► goes great with Brutal Doom and enhance it’s violent atmosphere even more. Music pack aims to create a Metal experience. Every original midi song of the game has been replaced by remakes using real instruments.
I’m still using trusted [Icecat port by Muslayev]
. Problem is that it begin to show it’s age by not rendering some websites in a correct way.
After checking [Firefox release roadmap]
i find out that 91 ESR branch on which Icecat is based will reach EOL status at the end of the summer. So i’ll need a replacement to keep up with modern web standards. Chrome and original Firefox are not an options because of their telemetry framework and bloated nature.
I recommend you to use alternative search engines like []
or [Duckduckgo]
not because g is mining your data and then resells it to marketing agencies for targeted ads, but because if you say something restricted or will be “lucky” to be banned by their anti-spam bot you can lose access to your data forever.
Three years ago i had YT channel with [tracker music]
where i posted stuff almost daily, also i had [trackers database]
hosted on their blogger platform.
Like leaksters say Radeon 6950XT refresh will bring new 18Gbbs memory sub-system and [8-10% to performance]
. I’ve decided not to involve myself into GPU race and stick with plain 6900XT. It is a performance banger under Windows 7 environment. spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
As you may already noticed i like to give a reference to Microprose games. Previous posts covered masterpieces like [UFO: X-Com]
and [Civilization II]
And i’m doing that on purpose. Games of the past primarily relied on solid and very high-quality storylines. Back in the day processing power of computer was quite limited and developers can’t offer breath-taking graphics. So they have to use head to output quality entertainment product.
Some nostalgy rant about convinience of older websites and absense of uneeded crap. Don’t you remember?
Here is some fine examples of modern sites, which try to match older web in terms of ergonomics and overall perception.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Just would like to showcase piece of brilliant mechanical keyboard of the past. Chyrosran22 one of the coolest YT mechanical keyboards reviewers counts it as the [best mechanical keyboard experience ever]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023-01-24 After long consideration my interest is lost, due to understanding the fact that 4G module is 100% closed blackbox, which cancels all privacy benefits of the phone in one stroke. It’s a true thing for official version of the phone. On the bright side there is an [unofficial open-source project]
of modem firmware in early alpha. Will report back if something good happens.
I bet some of you are already tired of ugly g monopoly with their telemetric data mining platform os-called operating system.
I can’t even describe my feelings regarding the topic. Just look what threw at our faces!
Who needs another dump number 12? If 10 & 11 are already pretty deep garbage.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES IN SELLING DIGITAL ART OF MY OWN. Topic: vintage gadgets of the past. Tools: Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, XnView, Wacom.
Low quality 64-color png versions could be observed below. NFT buyer will get high resolution true color jpgs [width: 4800px] or even vector files.
GHETTO BLASTER [IN WORKS] If you are interested in purchasing art as NFT please [contact me]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2022-02-08
▓ DESCRIPTION OF NFT SET Ok. You want to own the coolest set of vintage analog tvset’s on the digital NFT market? So here it is, at your disposal.
BREIF TOPIC: Collection of unique vintage tvset pictures paired with vhs and dvd recorder. NAME: FORMER HERITAGE OF ANALOG TELEVISION [trkninj808-release-003?] INSPIRED BY: 80s, 90s, CRT, VHS, DVD, number 2000 and letter N. NUMBER OF ITEMS: 25 SALE CONDITIONS: After i have receive satisfying offer [greater than 0.
FAQ ver 0.1b
▓ PREFACE This comprehensive guide will be handy for those of you who can’t figure out why hp printer is not detected by windows using usb connection and for those of you who are asking himself/herself “why do i need to do usb plug to setup device for wireless work?”
hp is notoriously known in terms of really s#cky printer drivers. During all my career of system administrator i’ve constantly ran into driver related problems with hp devices.
[Aki Kaurismaki]
is Finnish film director who makes minimalistic’n’ambientish movies about life of plain folks. Some people describe Aki’s films like «depressive», but I’m not agree on such superficial conclusion. I consider his art as a very neat backdrop for inner thinking and self-analysis.
Most of the characters are quite silent, but despite that fact their feelings are 100% understandable without any words. I think that Aki’s movies represent the brief essence of entire life and they teach us about many aspects of life.
The answer is simple and very straightforward. They sold their spirit and soul for money to promote low quality products and prepaid benchmarks. In 98% cases it is an incontestable axiom.
Everything above 1.000.0000 is pure business ► nothing personal. Loads of ads, important information is uncovered and hidden, frequent misinformation, but footage quality can be quite good ► for God sake this is a business!
The most quality stuff you’ll get only from bloggers with less than 500.
PREFACE: At the very beginning I must say that this lil’ note is not an AD. I already promised that there will be no advertisements on the website and this statement is correct till forever: 108%. As long time micro stock contributor I can rest assure you that [Creative Market]
is the most cool marketplace on the web to sell your digital creations. Very solid royalties to contributors, comparing to rest of the market.
Updated on 2022.12.23 Added Landscape in detail section.
I’ve pointed to the fact that Nokia 808 is the most powerful camera-phone in terms of provided detail. I would like to remind you that previously tested [Samsung S20]
and even [1-inch Panasonic CM1]
can’t stand in direct competition to Nokia 808.
Here are sample pictures.
Today, I’ve accidentally deleted local .git index folder of my blog repository, because of this I was not able to submit new content. Tried to restore files by File Scavenger, but it was too late because I was in the middle of active file operations and .git folder was erased without any chance of returning it back to drive.
I’ve tried to recreate index by means of:
git init But Git-Bash-console threw me an error:
It is a known fact that dxomark resource
is a complete sellout and very prone to assign fake rankings. And no one in sane condition will use their results as a reference, because of their prepaid nature. dxomark’s cool conclusion of the past
that iphone is better then [Nokia PureView 808]
in terms of detail, makes me laugh till today.
Days go by and it looks like we have another “winner” here – [dpreview]
, to be precise.
UPDATED ON: 2021-12-11 microsoft vomit forced Zeffy to [remove Wufuc patch]
which disabled artificial restriction to work with modern CPUs under Windows 7 from github Look for patch [here]
Not long ago i’ve discovered that one of my favorite tech forum is forced to stop providing services, by atrocious coalition of putrid companies like microsoft and intel. It looks like the first one is angry that people continue to use “obsolete” Windows 7.
Long time ago I’ve noticed prolonged trend to destroy advanced technology and sell cheap plastic things, powered by marketing slogans, which have zero significance in real life. Appointed trend applies to almost any products in our life, especially consumer and even professional electronics.
Some solid proof then.
brought super advanced Amiga computer in the middle 80s, which had some really advanced stuff like GPU Blitter and Fast-Ram technologies. Nowadays Amd is working on stuff similar to Fast-Ram, which they call Smart Cache.
And will not sing praises on how cool Linux is. Because I know that it has its own quirks and inconveniences. For testing I almost randomly choose [Manjaro Linux]
with lightweight [XFCE desktop]
. Manjaro is based upon [Arch distribution]
.Yeah, ubuntu is too much pop for me. Key benefits of Manjaro are quite transparent: modern & stable environment and pretty vibrant community. I understand that Linux don’t have all software, which I need and try to find software replacement in a while.
For those of you who do not like retro stuff like Amiga page cursor and who want more modern’n’beautiful aesthetics I can suggest neat cursor pack, which is pretty close to classic Mac cursors and for sure [brings warm analog depth]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik