There are plenty of digital audio workstation software available today.
Fruity Loops, Apple Logic, Cakewalk….
but what make them so unimportant anymore?
It is pretty strange that i didn’t cover this topic in previous posts. So, i stand corrected and posting it now!
In this quick breakdown i’ll point to the most coolest demoscene stuff out there.
▓ IBM PC [DOS/WIN] In early 90s finnish coders from [Future Crew]
brought phenomenon of demoscene to masses.
FUTURE CREW - SECOND REALITY [1993] Demo size: 2Mb [Demo page]
[The Black Lotus]
are Swedish Atari/Amiga hackers.
I recommend you to use alternative search engines like []
or [Duckduckgo]
not because g is mining your data and then resells it to marketing agencies for targeted ads, but because if you say something restricted or will be “lucky” to be banned by their anti-spam bot you can lose access to your data forever.
Three years ago i had YT channel with [tracker music]
where i posted stuff almost daily, also i had [trackers database]
hosted on their blogger platform.
Like leaksters say Radeon 6950XT refresh will bring new 18Gbbs memory sub-system and [8-10% to performance]
. I’ve decided not to involve myself into GPU race and stick with plain 6900XT. It is a performance banger under Windows 7 environment. spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Super quick breakdown of the most essential security applications for Android OS.
► Effective hosts adblocker [AFWALL+]
► Root-based firewall based on Linux ip-tables [EXODUS]
► Check your applications for telemetry trackers and secure your privacy [YET ANOTHER CALL BLOCKER]
► quality open-source call blocker Forked mod for Russia region
. spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2023.02.17
Version 27.2.4 is the very last to work on Windows 7. 28.x builds require sytem dlls which can’t be found in Windows 7. [How to run version 29.x on Windows 7]
OBS is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Just want to let you know that latest version [27.2.4] runs on Windows 7. Works without any hickups. Using it on daily basis to capture the desktop screen with audio.
I suppose that many of you will be interested in looking at the most important operating systems of the past. Today it is possible even withour virtual machine. You can observe vintage operating systems right in your browser. [ATARI ST]
||| [ver II]
chiptune tracker music site heavily inspired by Amiga OS Workbench v1.3. spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Locate your style.css
NAME-OF-THE-PROJECT\themes\NAME-OF-THEME\assets\css\style.css Add following code to apply 30px indentation.
p {
text-indent: 30px;
} For no indentation:
p {
text-indent: 0px;
} or just remove the whole block of p code.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
With declining support of Windows 7 it looks like that game hacking scene is disappearing also. Saying so because of disbandment of famous cracking group CODEX. [SOURCE]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
i already wrote about Chinese audio manufacturers and their quality products. Till today i used quad driver FiiO FA7
earphones powered by my trusty cameraphone [Nokia PureView 808]
After some not so long considerations i’ve decided to try out something new with bigger puch and almost randomy selected [Shanling M6]
DAP paired with [FiiO FA9]
6-driver IEMs. I know that using Nokia 808 was quite limiting factor for quad driver earphones like FiiO FA7.
I already wrote about [Neutron player]
Provided information will be useful if you are using Neutron with high resolution digital audio player [DAP] and would to like
squeeze a bit more of that quality.
Here is a list of the most important settings to maximaze your audio output to the boundaries of existence.
If you are interested in vintage computers like Amiga, Commodore, Atari and would like to learn classic technical English i advice you Dan Wood unambiguously.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Just would like to showcase piece of brilliant mechanical keyboard of the past. Chyrosran22 one of the coolest YT mechanical keyboards reviewers counts it as the [best mechanical keyboard experience ever]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Just a quick note to share high-quality Android audio player with all of you. Software is developed for hi-res hardware digital audio players like FiiO, Shanling, iBasso. The most important feature is bit-perfect OS independent decoding and audio processing.
Speaking about bright sides of application: precise audio reproduction, loads of professional tools.
However, there is one notable downside: user interface and ergonomics are very confusing to say the least.
UPDATED ON: 2023-01-24 After long consideration my interest is lost, due to understanding the fact that 4G module is 100% closed blackbox, which cancels all privacy benefits of the phone in one stroke. It’s a true thing for official version of the phone. On the bright side there is an [unofficial open-source project]
of modem firmware in early alpha. Will report back if something good happens.
I bet some of you are already tired of ugly g monopoly with their telemetric data mining platform os-called operating system.
Finally, I’ve managed to finish my retro DOS/Windows 98 build machine based on powerul Athlon. By finish i mean assemble parts on the table without any case. Why no case? Answer is simple: i’m lazy. And it is more convenient to me to keep it as open testbed for weirdo experiments of my own.
Collecting items took almost four months to accomplish this project. Puter consists of multitude parts, which were acquired around the globe.
A small note on how to make things rollin'.
Default configuration of Keenetic Ultra makes XZ1 Compact to stuck in a loop during authorization process. If you can’t pair your XZ1 to 5Ghz WiFi network just switch router network to channel:
56 And you are good to go. Yeah, simple as that. See you around!
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
UPDATED ON: 2022-03-06 Corel Draw 2022 confirmed to work on Windows 7, but w/o GPU acceleration. 2020 version also don’t provide GPU extensions, but you can ignore this if you have fast 8-16 multicore CPU.
Just run into difficulties during Corel Painter 2020 installation process. Right after the first screen i can’t press [Next »] button.
Problem was solved by dropping down security level in Internet Explorer 11 [!]
I can’t even describe my feelings regarding the topic. Just look what threw at our faces!
Who needs another dump number 12? If 10 & 11 are already pretty deep garbage.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
This is not an AD post, just reporting that i’ve switched from annoying teamviewer for a better remote tool and grateful to developers of software.
I fed up with teamviewer’s nag-screens and constant mumbling that i use software not for a personal use. During 2020 i’ve used hacked version with auto-generator of my client ID to prevent nag-screen triggering, but when i find out that their android client is full of telemetry stuff i’ve decided to ditch it completely.
UPDATED ON: 2022-02-08
▓ DESCRIPTION OF NFT SET Ok. You want to own the coolest set of vintage analog tvset’s on the digital NFT market? So here it is, at your disposal.
BREIF TOPIC: Collection of unique vintage tvset pictures paired with vhs and dvd recorder. NAME: FORMER HERITAGE OF ANALOG TELEVISION [trkninj808-release-003?] INSPIRED BY: 80s, 90s, CRT, VHS, DVD, number 2000 and letter N. NUMBER OF ITEMS: 25 SALE CONDITIONS: After i have receive satisfying offer [greater than 0.
FAQ ver 0.1b
▓ PREFACE This comprehensive guide will be handy for those of you who can’t figure out why hp printer is not detected by windows using usb connection and for those of you who are asking himself/herself “why do i need to do usb plug to setup device for wireless work?”
hp is notoriously known in terms of really s#cky printer drivers. During all my career of system administrator i’ve constantly ran into driver related problems with hp devices.
UPDATED ON: 2023-08-05 v0.19.2 ia a last version to run on Windows 7/8.1, but it is not working anymore due to recent YT changes Reasons not to use original YT site and native android clients: Wild censorship and tracking of personal data The most pathetic roayalties to platform contributors Unwilling to listen to contributor community [problem of all big corps] [In previous post]
i’ve mentioned about brilliant Android YT client: NewPipe.
I always feel very special regarding Nertherlands acid hardcore of early 90s. One of my favorite peices so far.
BONUS PART: Now 303 freaks can do [acid patterns on line]
. Created by Vitling, source code available [@github]
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Take a note that ugly g 3-4 times a year changing YT API to make artificial difficulties to third-party clients like NewPipe, [FreeTube]
, FireTube. So don’t forget to update programs regularly.
I’m almost sure that you already know about excellent Android YT client [NewPipe]
. It is praised for it’s lightness, speed and freedom from YT closed source API. As you may know that in recent pursuit for profit google increased ads quantities and methods of it’s delivery.
By default software forbids execution when you are using classic desktop and aero is not enabled.
However, there is a nice workaround. By adding –no-dwm-warning switch to starting shortcut you can avoid internal restriction.
"C:\Program Files\Affinity\Photo\Photo.exe" --no-dwm-warning NOTE: with some graphical drivers you may experience visual artifacts and not so precise image rendering.
spacedrone808 @Adobe spacedrone808 @Freepik
Previously i was adept of japanese keyboard [Topre RealForce RGB]
. Device relies on high-end rubber-dome capacitive key switches, which distinguish Realforce from generic rubber-dome keyboards. Solid construction is also included. However double shot ABS keycaps were not so durable in the long run of almost two years of heavy typing.
So, i’ve decided to switch to something more reliable and compact. My search brought me to [Vortex Race III RGB]